Senator Critical of President’s Spending on Vacations in Light of Cuts at Military Tributes

Missing man formation -
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Missing man formation –

The President and first family will be in Kailua this Christmas for their sixth consecutive holiday season at a cost of at least $4 million to taxpayers.

One state senator is critical of the expenditure especially in light of all of the cuts made during the recent sequestration.

Hawaii Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom said while there always seems to be money for Obama’s lavish trips and vacations in Hawaii and around the world, there has not been enough federal funding to pay for important services and events around the country.

He said that included the aircraft flyovers at the ceremonies recently held at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl and State Veterans Cemetery veteran in Kaneohe.

There also was no fly over on Pearl Harbor Day, much to the disappointment of veterans.

The fly over or missing man formation is an aerial salute typically performed in memory of fallen pilots and traditionally performed at Hawaii events honoring veterans.




  1. These federal funded events are because veterans served and paved the way for you to have the kind of life you have today. It just a gesture of respect for the fallen. Hellerrrr… Yes I agree that we should be bringing home our troops that are in the middle east, but the point is why do the taxpayer pay for a vacation for the Obama's. He calls Hawaii his home? yeah right, He doesn't pay Hawaii state taxes does he? Im pretty sure he can pay for his own vacation like everyone else. & the ridiculous traffic his motor cage creates… waste of time & money.

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