Senator Daniel Inouye | Economic Impact | Leahy Appointed | Sandy Hook Horror

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BY SEN. SAM SLOM – Death of Sen. Inouye. Hawaii’s Senior Senator, Daniel K. Inouye, died Monday, December 17, at the age of 88 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after suffering respiratory complications. This event overshadowed all other business and economic news in Hawaii this week. An emotional Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced Inouye’s death at a Monday afternoon news conference. Much will be said and written about Sen. Inouye in the days ahead.


My Senate Comments. State Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom issued the following statement on Hawaii’s senior SenatorDaniel K. Inouye:


“The death of Senator Daniel Inouye today is a tremendous loss to our state and our nation. He was larger than life and had an impact far beyond his beloved Island State. In his own life, he shattered many barriers, more than deserved the Medal of Honor, and always fought for his positions and for Hawaii. He was a true hero and was the foundation of Hawaii’s economy. His ability to get things done is legendary, unsurpassed, and he always crossed partisan lines.


When my Father, a WWII combat veteran died and was buried in Punchbowl National Cemetery, Senator Inouye sent me a warm, personal note. He also sent me notes on my election to public office and we had the opportunity to discuss our different views at the State Capitol. He was always a gentleman and someone who will be sorely missed. Hawaii is very fortunate to have had his leadership. His legacy will continue for the ages.


My personal sympathy for Senator Inouye’s family.”


Economic Impact of Inouye. Senator Inouye always brought home the bacon for Hawaii. Those days are over. Hawaii’s next congressional delegation will be brand new with little seniority and clout. It was often said that Inouye was Hawaii’s second leading industry. Despite calls years ago to prepare for a Hawaii without Inouye, and to improve the state’s hostile business climate, nothing has been done. The full impact will be felt next year.


Leahy Appointed. Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy was appointed Senate Pro Tem replacing Senator Inouye yesterday.


Attend the SBH 2013 Conference. You better not pout; you better attend the 37th annual SBH Business & Investment Conference Wednesday, January 9, 2013. The SBH Conference will be 8 am to 1:30 pm at the Ala Moana Hotel (Garden Lanai and Hibiscus Ballroom). There will be networking, business exhibit tables, full luncheon and a tremendous program with outstanding speakers. Speakers include: ASTON’s Kelvin Bloom, the FBI’s Tom Simon, Freedom Works’ Matt Kibbe, best selling author Bob Sigall and successful business owners,Kitty Lagareta and Roy Yamaguchi.. Luncheon keynote speaker is Ben Cayetano. Sponsorships are still available. Reserve now! Call Darlyn at 396-1724 for sponsorship or reservations.


Abercrombie Budget On Monday. Governor Abercrombiereleased his two year fiscal operating and CIP budgets. Bottom line is he is calling for a 7% increase in spending next fiscal year, followed by an 11% spending increase. Not sustainable. The money is not there and without Senator Inouye it will only get worse. The Legislature convenes January 16 and will massage the $7 billion budgets.


Rail Decision. Final arguments in the rail issue were held on 12/12/12 in Federal Court before Judge A. Wallace Teshima. The suit was filed in May, 2011. The judge has promised an early ruling. The FTA was expected to sign a $1.55 billion agreement with Honolulu this week. A separate state suit has temporarily stopped construction but not spending and planning. An appeal by the losing side is expected.


GOOGLE Bank. The news that Google parked billions of funds off shore didn’t seem to phase federal investigators. Why? Google is a trusted liberal organization and strong financial supporter of President Obama. Besides, Google didn’t do anything illegal; just took advantage of existing tax laws. Only Republicans seem to be criticized for using these same rules.


Horrific School Murders. The Nation is still reeling from the murders of 20 youngsters at Sandy Hook school in Connecticut last week. Senseless. There IS evil in the world. The mainstream TV media should be ashamed at their poor, misleading and error-prone reporting and for the political agenda for more “gun control.”  We need to hold individuals responsible for their actions without excuses or diversion and we need to end soft school targets lacking firearm and security protection.

What do you think?


Still Time to Donate to SBH. Like what you hear about SBH and its stand alone advocacy for the free market in Hawaii against all odds? Like what SBH actually does? Then please help us continue our action programs by making a year end tax deductible contribution to SBH (6600 Kalanianaole Hgwy, #212, Honolulu HI 96825). Mahalo for your consideration!


SBH can help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?   Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.




