Senator Gilbert Kahele to Discuss Capital Improvement Projects at Town Hall Meeting

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HILO-  Senator Gilbert Kahele is inviting residents to a town hall meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, at the Hilo High School Cafeteria, starting at 5 p.m.

Senator Kahele, who represents Kau, Puna and Hilo, will be giving residents a post 2012 Legislative Session update, including a discussion on Capital Improvement Projects in the East Hawaii district.

“I highly encourage everyone to attend the meeting to learn about how some of the bills passed this session will impact them,” said Senator Kahele.  “This will also give residents a chance to ask questions concerning their community.”

Senator Kahele also plans to talk about important measures he was involved in this past session, including the establishment of the Aha Moku Advisory committee, the prohibiting of inter-island transportation of wild or feral deer, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs ceded land settlement and the establishment of an exploratory committee to study the feasibility and resources required to create an aviation training program and academic program at Hilo Airport and UH Hilo, respectively.


