Senator (Retired) Fred Hemmings TV Ad Promotes Public Power & Supports Lawsuit Against Hawaiian Electric & State of Hawaii

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Fred Hemmings
Fred Hemmings

BY ED WAGNER – Did you see the new TV ad showing Hawaii Surfing Ambassador and Senator ( retired ) Fred Hemmings promoting the conversion of the Hawaiian Electric Industries ( HEI ) monopoly to public, non-profit power coops like Nebraska and asking ratepayers to support attorney John Carroll’s Breach of Public Trust lawsuit against the utility monopoly and the State of Hawaii, including Gov. Neil Abercrombie?

Hawaii’s most serious crisis is energy, with electric rates 3-4 times those of the mainland with no real solution in site from the HEI monopoly, the PUC, Consumer Advocate ( DCA ), Legislature, OR, Gov. Abercrombie who ran for Governor on a strong energy policy that has been shelved in favor of supporting, protecting, and perpetuating monopoly control of electricity for another 100 years to the detriment of our economy and the financial stability of every man, woman, child, and business in Hawaii.

According to Richard Rocheleau, director of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, the state has no clear vision when it comes to its push towards renewables.

We, the ratepayers of Hawaii, are giving the state that clear vision to a clean energy future. Convert the for profit monopoly to publicly owned, non-profit power. For now on, no more excessive stockholder dividends and excessively paid executives getting in the way of progress, just neighbors working together for the common good of our people and our environment.

Please call John Carroll at 526-9111 or email him at to support his efforts with a donation.

Please Click Here to Watch The TV Ad

The time has come to hold HECO to its January 29, 2013 promise to cooperate fully in its conversion to public power and to set a fire under the feet of our legislators in the House & Senate Energy Committees ( Chris Lee & Mike Gabbard ) to force them to implement this conversion process through a special session of the legislature before the general election in November.
Click the link to see Senator Malama Solomon telling HEI executives & others about how dire the situation is for ratepayers:

Hawaii Ratepayers Are Struggling To Survive

Here she is discussing a consumer owned grid with Hawaiian Electric ( HECO ) stating at the end that it will cooperate fully in its conversion to public power:

A Consumer Owned Grid For Hawaii

Senator Malama Solomon must be reelected from the Big Island and should replace Senator Mike Gabbard as Chair of the Senate Energy Committee. She is one of a very few legislators who truly supports the people and stands up for the little guy struggling to survive. She isn’t afraid to speak out against the monopoly for its continued abuse of power and its continued stonewalling of the development of our vast renewable energy resources.

Her courage to speak out is why HECO is backing her opponent to replace her with another puppet that HECO can control. HECO can’t control Senator Solomon like it can Representative Chris Lee, Senator Mike Gabbard, Governor Abercrombie and many others in the Legislature.

Contrary to the Governor’s claims, the economy has not turned around because leaders like him, Chris Lee, also up for reelection with Wayne Hikida opposing him, and Mike Gabbard, do not support the people, the little guy struggling to survive.
They only support one entity, the HEI for profit utility monopoly. They are HECO Boys to the bone, puppets doing whatever HECO tells them to do to protect, support, and perpetuate its control over electricity for another 100 years to the determent of our economy, and the financial stability of every man, woman, child, and business in Hawaii.

Abercrombie Desperate And Worried Sick

The Race For Governor – StarAdvertiser

Former Gov. George Ariyoshi, at 88, has also been out campaigning for Ige. “He doesn’t understand financing,” he said of the governor. “A leader is not only one who proposes, but how to go about making it happen. And that’s what he doesn’t have. He’s not a very good steward.”

Hawaii’s economy will not turn around until the HEI monopoly is converted to public power with lower rates for the people and the businesses of Hawaii AND until John Carroll succeeds in ending the Jones Act of 1920, which is responsible for the Matson shipping monopoly and the much higher costs of goods shipped to Hawaii.

Please call John Carroll at 526-9111 or email him at to support his efforts with a donation.

Click here to sign the petition




  1. Wit all due respect. Kauai already has a cooperative and the rates are the highest in the state. I am not sure why people do not compare rates on Kauai with the other islands when comparing rates and trying to create a solution.

    It seems disingenuous to not mention Kauai when talking about the 'monopoly'. I think politicians and ex-politicians who just spout off half the story are a big part of our state's problems

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