Sewer Overflows on Halekauwila Street

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Crews from the City Environmental Services Department responded to an overflowing sewer manhole fronting 801 Halekauwila Street. The spill was reported to the City at 9:06 a.m this morning (February 11, 2007).

Responding crews were able to release the blockage in the sewer line by 9:54 a.m. The blockage is believed to be caused by grease.

An estimated 960 gallons of wastewater spilled into a nearby stormdrain. City crews were able to remove approximately 200 gallons from the stormdrain system.
Warning signs have been posted along Kewalo Basin Park, Kewalo Basin, Point Panic and Kakaako Waterfront Park. Water samples are being taken. The public is advised to heed the signs. The state Health Department has been notified.

”’Ken Kawahara is with the City & County Department of Environmental Services”’

