Sewer Pipe Installation Under Kalanianaole Highway Begins

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Workers today will begin pulling approximately 3,300 feet of 16-inch high-density polyethylene sewer pipe through a tunnel under Kalanianaole Highway from Kawaikui Beach Park to the Niu Valley Wastewater Pump Station next to the Niu Valley Shopping Center.
The pipe-pulling is expected to take less than 72 hours and is not expected to result in any lane closures on the highway.

The pipe-pulling work must be done around the clock, and interruptions must be minimized. If the pulling is delayed too long, the lubricating material in the tunnel is likely to harden and resuming the pull would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

A noise waiver has been obtained from the state Department of Health for the overnight work and affected residents and businesses have been notified.

For this project, the less obtrusive horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method is being used as part of the City

