…. There was another, quieter example of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s smarts on display in San Francisco last week, when she held a fundraiser at Tangerine for Neil Abercrombie, the Democratic congressman from Hawaii who is running for governor of that state.
Abercrombie was the college roommate of Barack Obama’s father. He ran the island’s Obama operation in the primary, and in the process seriously ticked off the patron saint of that state’s Democrats, Sen. Daniel Inouye, who was backing Hillary Rodham Clinton.
There has been a war between Abercrombie and Inouye ever since, and Pelosi’s help is something Abercrombie will never forget.
Read the full column: https://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/15/BAVT1AJFK8.DTL&type=politics#ixzz0X9AVUqRU