Do you feel called to play a bigger role in the cultural shift that’s taking place… to a world that is more conscious, thriving and truly works for ALL?
Maybe recent events like the U.S. Election, Brexit, Standing Rock or injustices taking place in your community and around the world have inspired you to take an active role in changing policies, launching a project, or starting a business that has a positive global impact?
Whether you’re clear on your role in becoming a more powerful leader, or simply taking the first steps on your leadership journey, it can be hard to know how to get from point A to B… in fact, the most common question leaders ask themselves is “How do I get from here to there?”
During Shift Leadership Roundtable, a revolutionary online series December 6-8, 2016, you’ll receive the leadership skills you need to grow your vision and take this next step toward fulfilling your highest potential…. fully embodying your unique gifts and talents for the greater good.
Plus, you’ll have access to the right mentors who’ll show you how to lead from your heart and soul while being effective, philanthropic and successful…
I’m excited to invite you to join more than 20 visionary leaders — including Jack Canfield, Sherri Lassila, Stephen Dinan, Ryan Eliason, Gregg Braden, Marcia Wieder, Shariff Abdullah, Andrew Harvey, Joan Blades, and many more! — as they share key mindset shifts, practical strategies and simple next steps to unleash your full purpose and power.
Join them to discover exactly how you can live and lead in a deeply authentic way, aligned with your inner wisdom, guided by (and in service to) the Divine.
If your life is dedicated to fulfilling your highest purpose, and you sense your destiny is tied to the evolution of humanity and our planet…
…and whether you’re about to launch a nonprofit, social venture, life-changing project OR you’re feeling called to the path of sacred activism and advancing a critical initiative in your community, I hope you’ll RSVP for this empowering series presented by The Shift Network.
During this first-ever 3-day leadership round-table you’ll discover:
- Ways of living & leading in full alignment with your higher purpose, deeper wisdom and authentic power
- Better ways to create change and light the path forward to a society that works for all living beings
- How we can solve the world’s most seemingly-impossible challenges through simple acts of generosity
- The keys to sacred activism & a new kind of leadership that can change the world
- Crossing political divides as a model for bridging gaps at home, work or in the public domain
During this 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:
- How to make your next level of contribution through your business or nonprofit that aims to significantly better our world
- Methods for fulfilling your potential as a leader & making a greater contribution for generations to come
- Paradigm-shifting strategies for becoming a successful conscious entrepreneur
- Effective ways to meet challenges with inspired action
- How to launch a sustainable business that supports profits and philanthropy
RSVP here for Shift Leadership Roundtable — at no charge:

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