Show a Little Respect, Integrity, Mason’s Says-House of Representatives – State of Hawaii – Code of Legislative Conduct – House Rule Number 60 – 2003

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After Rep. Bud Stonebraker, R-Hawaii Kai, asked Rep. Roy Takumi, D- Pearl City, to stop talking, laughing and gesturing vigorously and for a little respect for others speaking on the House floor during the House session, Takumi challenged Stonebraker to show him where in the House rules was written that he couldn’t do as he pleased when he pleased, no matter who had the floor.

Stonebraker showed him the section in the Mason’s Book of House Rules that dictates courtesy and respect must be shown.

Below is a copy of the rules all House members are given and expected to follow.

”’Members should conduct themselves in a respectful manner befitting the office with which they as elected officials have been entrusted, respecting and complying with the law and acting at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity of the House.”’

”’Members should not lend the prestige of public office to advance the private interests of themselves or others; nor should members convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to unduly influence pending public business before them.”’

”’Members should treat their fellow House members, staff, and the general public with respect and courtesy, regardless of political or religious beliefs, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or physical disability.”’

”’The legislative duties of members, as prescribed by law and these Rules, should take precedence over all of their other business or professional activities.”’

”’Members should freely and willingly accept certain restrictions on their business activities and professional conduct that might be considered burdensome by an ordinary private citizen, and should perform the duties of elected office impartially and diligently.”’

”’To the greatest extent reasonably possible, members should:”’

*”’1. Refrain from allowing family, social, business, or other relationships to unduly influence the member’s legislative conduct or judgment.”’

*”’2. Refrain from showing bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based on political or religious beliefs, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or physical disability, in the performance of their official duties.”’

*”’3. Exercise patience, tolerance, and courtesy to all those with whom they deal with in an official capacity, and require staff and others subject to their direction and control to maintain similar standards of conduct, fidelity, and diligence inherent in public service.”’

*”’4. Exercise the power of appointment impartially and on the basis of merit, refraining from making unnecessary appointments and approving compensation of appointees beyond the fair value of services rendered.”’

*”’5. Afford to every person who wishes to participate in the legislative process the opportunity to be heard according to established procedures.”’

*”’6. Consider at all times whether their conduct would create in reasonable minds the perception that their ability to carry out legislative responsibilities with integrity and independence is either questionable or impaired.”’

*”’7. Manage their personal interests and obligations so as to minimize the number of votes in which they are in, or may reasonably be perceived to be in, potential conflict.”’

*”’8. Refrain from using, or permitting the use of, the privileges and prestige of their public office to derive undue personal, professional, or financial benefits for themselves, members of their family, or others with whom they maintain personal, business, or professional relationships.”’

*”’9. Refrain from engaging in financial and business dealings that involve them in frequent transactions, or continuing business or professional relationships, with those persons likely to derive benefits from public financial matters either pending or already deliberated and voted upon by the House, to the extent that such conduct may reasonably be perceived as personal exploitation of their public office.”’

*”’10. Refrain from membership in an organization that practices invidious discrimination and gives rise to perceptions that one’s impartiality and ability to serve as a representative are unduly compromised.”’

”’Provided by the Hawaii Pro-Democracy Initiative, see:”’

