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Mufi Hannemann is spending tens of thousands of dollars trying to “green” his devastating environmental record. He’s banking on the hope that you have a short memory and don’t remember the environmental disasters, lack of planning, and poor policy that were hallmarks of his administration.
The purpose of this site is to hold Hannemann accountable for his record. Hannemann has failed O’ahu and future generations on four main areas of island sustainability: recycling, clean energy, safe water, and smart land use planning.
- Opala. Hannemann fought islandwide curbside recycling for our island–he was forced to implement the program by law enacted by voters in 2006. Hannemann cancelled the curbside recycling program when he started his term and then proceeded to oppose efforts to create a program at the City Council, the State Legislature, and in City Charter. He reversed his promise to close Waimanalo Gulch landfill (which was penalized millions of dollars for violations), and botched the plan to ship opala off-island.
- Energy. Energy use by the City has jumped 20% since Hannemann took office, despite promises of energy savings and clean energy. Hannemann cancelled an $8 million solar bond measure meant to reduce oil use and blocked a wind farm proposal for O’ahu.
- Water. After ignoring warnings that the Beach Walk sewer main was in “extremely critical” condition, Hannmann oversaw the worst water pollution episode in Honolulu’s history: 50 million gallons of raw sewage into the Ala Wai and Waikiki waters, shutting down Waikiki beaches and earning international embarrassment. Despite the debacle, Hannemann continued to fight the Environmental Protection Agency and community groups in court, paying a mainland attorney millions until being forced to settle the lawsuit and upgrade facilities to 21st-Century standards.
- Land Use. Hannemann didn’t “save” Waimea Valley–he proposed to divide the Valley and develop it. Only after that plan was blocked did he choose to pay off the wealthy New York owner of the Valley–ignoring pleas by advocates to simply let the court condemn the land at a fair market value. Hannemann supported the massive Turtle Bay expansion, beachfront development near Laie, and urban sprawl over productive farmlands in central O’ahu.
O’ahu’s environment has suffered under 6 years of Hannemann’s failed leadership. No amount of advertising and spin can change this fact.

© 2010 Sierra Club, Hawaii PAC