Six University of Hawaii Regents Named

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The Hawai‘i State Senate has confirmed the appointment of four new members of the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents effective July 1, 2012, and renewed the appointment of two Regents, effective immediately. They are:

 John C. Dean, representing Honolulu County, is president and chief executive officer of Central Pacific Bank and Central Pacific Financial Corporation. He has 31 years experience in the banking industry and joined CPB in March 2010. A graduate of Holy Cross College and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with an MBA in finance, Dean is a former Peace Corps volunteer in Western Samoa.

Benjamin A. Kudo, an at-large representative, is the chief financial officer and the manager of the land use, administrative and environmental law group of Imanaka Kudo & Fujimoto. He previously held positions with two of Hawaii’s major agriculture and land development corporations. A graduate of ‘Iolani School and the University of Washington, he earned an MBA and a PhD from the University of Hawai‘i, and received his JD from Georgetown University Law Center.

Tom H. Shigemoto, representing Kaua‘i County, is vice president of planning for A&B Properties, Inc., the real estate development division of Alexander and Baldwin, Inc. Prior to that, he was Director of Planning for Princeville Corporation, and Planning Director for the County of Kaua‘i. Shigemoto is a graduate of Kaua‘i High School and the University of Hawai‘i, where he received his BFA in urban and regional design.

Jeffrey T. Acido is the student regent and is a graduate student working towards an MA in Asian studies, focusing on the Philippines, with a concentration in Ilokano. Born in the Philippines, he grew up in Kalihi and graduated from Farrington High School. He attended Honolulu Community College and Kapi‘olani Community College, and earned a BA in religion at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and a master’s in theology from a seminary in Berkeley, California.

Carl A. Carlson, Jr., represents Hawai‘i County and is the founder of Hu‘ehu‘e Ventures, a real estate consulting and agricultural property management firm. Carlson has more than 40 years of experience in real estate, ranching and agriculture in Hawai‘i. Born on Maui, he graduated from Baldwin High School and earned a BS from California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo.

Barry T. Mizuno represents Hawai‘i County and is the founder of BTM, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in renewable energy in Hawai‘i. He has had 35 years experience in accounting and finance, government service and energy development. A graduate of Waimea High School, Mizuno received a BA in business administration from Central Washington University and was licensed as a Certified Public Accountant.

Continuing University of Hawai‘i Regents are Eric K. Martinson (Honolulu County, term ends 2014); James H.Q. Lee (Honolulu County, term ends 2014); Antonio C. Baxa (Maui County, term ends 2013); Michael A. Dahilig (at-large, term ends 2013); Chuck Y. Gee (Honolulu County, term ends 2015); John C. Holzman (Honolulu County, term ends 2014); Coralie Chun Matayoshi (Honolulu County, term ends 2016); Saedene Ota (Maui County, term ends 2015); and Jan Naoe Sullivan (Honolulu County, term ends 2016).

