Stars and Stripes “Heroes” Salutes Military Courage and Sacrifice

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Washington, D.C. (MMD Newswire) – Stars and Stripes, editorially independent news source of the U.S. military, will distribute its “Heroes” supplement beginning on June 14th (Flag Day) to honor those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who have been recognized for valor in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The special section tells the stories of remarkableĀ individuals-not all of them active-duty military-who have shownĀ tremendous courage in the face of daunting circumstances. InĀ telling just some of the many stories of heroism and sacrifice,Ā we believe _Heroes’ also pays tribute to all the men and womenĀ in uniform who selflessly serve their country with honor andĀ courage in places where most people would fear to tread,” said
Terry Leonard, Stars and Stripes editorial director.

Publisher Max D. Lederer Jr., said, “This is the 6th year for theĀ publication of _Heroes,’ an annual tribute to the men and womenĀ who serve in the Armed Forces. Stars and Stripes is privilegedĀ to continue telling a few stories of the many who serve withĀ remarkable courage and a degree of self sacrifice few of us willĀ ever know.

“In partnership with the Congressional Medal of HonorĀ Foundation, Stars and Stripes _Heroes’ relates the experienceĀ of a few warfighters, who stand as surrogates for thousands ofĀ others whose valor is equally inspiring. All Americans owe theĀ women and men of the Armed Forces a debt of gratitude forĀ their daily sacrifice. The open society in which Americans liveĀ and work is possible because members of the Armed Forces
leave the safety and comfort of their homes and family to protectĀ us all. Stars and Stripes’ role is to tell the story credibly of all
who have put their lives on the line for our country. _Heroes’ isĀ our way of saluting the honor and dedication of our military men
and women,” Lederer continued.

“Heroes” will be published in the European, Pacific and MiddleĀ East editions of Stars and Stripes beginning June 14 andĀ distributed subsequently in multiple locations in the UnitedĀ States, including military base newspapers and Department ofĀ Defense schools located in the United States and abroad.

Thanks to support from The Boeing Company, distribution thisĀ year will exceed 1.63 million copies. Delivery to key outlets inĀ the nation’s capital includes Capitol Hill, where House andĀ Senate members will receive a number of hand-deliveredĀ copies; along the K Street “power corridor” and businessĀ community, and in The Washington Post.

Following its publication in print, an enhanced version ofĀ “Heroes” will be available online at the Stars and Stripes

