State Asks for Participation in Phone Survey on Broadband Internet Usage

Photo courtesy of VOA News
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Photo courtesy of VOA News

HONOLULU — The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has contracted SMS to conduct a phone survey over the next few weeks of Hawaii residents and small businesses to find out how people in Hawaii are using their Internet connections today and how they plan to use Internet service in the future.

The survey is part of the state’s effort to improve the broadband capabilities, address anticipated future needs and ensure that Hawaii’s is competitive with the rest of the world as a venue for digital commerce. DCCA is part of a multi-agency state effort to move to high-speed broadband and meet Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s goal of providing affordable Internet access to Hawaii’s residents.

The phone calls will be made to businesses during weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and to residences from noon to 9 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. The calls are confidential and no names will be used. No personal identifying information will be requested, nor will it be required..  

The phone survey is being conducted in conjunction with DCCA’s broadband speed test campaign to measure Internet access speeds around the state and to look for gaps in connection. People around the state can go to (or to be part of the campaign to measure and improve broadband access around the islands. The speed test can be performed using a desktop or mobile web browser.

In addition to its regulatory oversight of the franchised cable industry, the Cable Television Division has been given the responsibility to implement activities to promote ubiquitous access to high speed broadband at affordable prices throughout the state.




  1. That's a great decision has come up by state of Hawaii. I think broadband is the most fastest internet service provider no matter whatever wireless technology is coming through but the cable connection is the best for improve online performance. Thanks.

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