State DOE Urges Hawaii State Teachers Association to Make Contract Proposal

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Graphic by Emily Metcalf

REPORT FROM THE HAWAII DOE – The state’s negotiating team presented a comprehensive settlement offer to the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) hoping to reach a resolution for public school teachers and students. This evening, HSTA’s negotiating team responded that it was unwilling to accept the offer.

The state’s settlement offer for a 2013-15 contract included:

• $49 million of new compensation which included two percent raises in each year of the contract for all teachers;

• Restoring the five percent reduction in teacher compensation that was instituted in 2011;

• Additional support, compensation, and incentives for professional performance; 

• 24 bargaining items, which HSTA had previously agreed to over the 26 prior months of bargaining, and 

• An advisory committee, including HSTA representatives, to review the new teacher evaluation system and continued recognition of all teachers’ due process rights.

“HSTA leaders were unwilling to accept more than $49 million of new compensation for our teachers,” stated Board of Education member Jim Williams. “This proposal was $11 million more than what was offered in any previous state proposal. We are disappointed since the offer included more compensation and was also in line with proposals that HSTA leaders have previously approved.”

“We made a comprehensive and fair offer and remain committed to reaching a contract with HSTA,” said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. “We remain committed to negotiating to reach a resolution that results in a ratified contract.”

The state proposed to resume negotiations on December 19, 2012, but HSTA is not available until January 11, 2013.

State of Hawaii Employer’s December 5, 2012 Settlement Offer for 2013-15 Contract Summary:

1)    $49 million of new compensation from state general funds which included two percent raises for all teachers in each year of the contract (on July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014);

2)    Restoration of temporary five percent wage reduction in teacher compensation currently in place;

3)    Restoration of full work year of 190 teacher days (elimination of Direct Leave Without Pay days);

4)    Provisions that would provide for HSTA to participate fully in review of the new evaluation system currently being piloted in 85 schools, which is in addition to feedback being received from teachers and principals in the pilot of the Educator Effectiveness System;

5)    Department of Education to pay Hawaii Teacher Standards Board fees for teachers renewing their professional licenses;

6)    Increase of probationary period (for new teachers) from four semesters to six semesters, plus a $2,500 recognition bonus for teachers completing probation (earning tenure).

7)    Future pay increases starting July 1, 2015 subject to an evaluation of “effective” or “highly effective”;

8)    Recognition that the new evaluation system will provide for an annual evaluation of all teachers that will be based 50 percent on teacher practice indicators and 50 percent on the teacher’s contribution to student learning and growth;

9)    Continuation of all due process protections for teachers related to evaluation, and

10) 24 contract provisions previously agreed upon, the subject matter of which were originally proposed by the HSTA.





  1. With the pay increase, a comprehensive background/personality check for new hires. Too many cases where a current
    school teacher's history DUI case w/o valid drivers license. How did this happen? Did HPD ignore the DUI & expired safety check cause he had connections? Mental problems? Not the first time DOE teachers get away….there's a few top teachers w/mental problems the union is covering up.

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