State Increases in Weight Tax, Registration Fee, Impact Hawaii Motorists

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Photo: Emily Metcalf

BY KEVIN DAYTON FOR HAWAII COUNTY – Motorists will soon begin seeing an increase in their State motor vehicle registration charges as the result of a new State law.

The new law passed by the State Legislature this year increases State weight tax rates from .75 cents per pound to 1.75 cents per pound for vehicles that are 4,000 pounds or less.

For example, the State weight tax for a small pickup truck weighing 3,090 pounds will increase from $23.18 today to $54.08 with the increase.

Larger vehicles that weigh 4,001 pounds to 7,000 pounds will see a tax increase from 1 cent to 2 cents a pound; and vehicles that weigh 7,001 to 10,000 pounds will see an increase from 1.25 cents to 2.25 cents per pound.

Vehicles 10,001 pounds and over will be charged a flat rate of $300.00 per year in weight taxes.

The new state law also increases the annual State registration fee from $25.00 per vehicle to $45.00 per vehicle.

County weight taxes are not affected by the change in the State law.

Motorists will begin to see the new State charges when the Vehicle Registration Renewal Notices with October 31st due dates are mailed out in September.

Under State law, beginning November 1, the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Division’s Motor Vehicle Registration Section will begin collecting the new State rates for ALL transactions, regardless of a vehicle’s registration expiration date.




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