REPORT FROM THE DCCA – HONOLULU —The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Business Registration Division (BREG) has launched an upgraded Business Entity List Builder website with a new, intuitive, mobile-friendly design.
The Business Entity List Builder provides customers with the ability to run a customized search of businesses registered with BREG and create a list of these businesses based on the selected criteria. Lists can be created by entity type, zip code, registration date and status. This popular service was originally launched in 2002 and has now been upgraded with an enhanced, fluid interface that works well on computers as well as touch-screen tablets and smart phones.
“The new web design is easier to navigate and intuitive to use on all devices,” Securities Commissioner Tung Chan said. “The upgrade is part of the Abercrombie Administration’s goals of leveraging new technology to make it easier for businesses to access government services.”
Those interested in using the improved system can visit https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/listbuilder to create a customized list of Hawaii businesses.
The online Business Entity List Builder solution is created in partnership with Hawaii Information Consortium, LLC, the official Internet portal manager of eHawaii.gov.
The Business Registration Division maintains the business registry for all corporations, limited liability companies, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and limited liability limited partnerships conducting business activities in the State. In addition, the registry contains trade names, trademarks, service marks and publicity name rights.
About eHawaii.gov
Hawaii’s official Internet portal, https://portal.ehawaii.gov/, is managed by Hawaii Information Consortium, LLC, a Hawaii corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of eGovernment firm, NIC Inc. (NASDAQ: EGOV). Hawaii Information Consortium partners with state agencies to bring more state business online and improve public access to government information.
About NIC
NIC is the nation’s leading provider of official government portals, online services, and secure payment processing solutions. The company’s innovative eGovernment services help reduce costs and increase efficiencies for government agencies, citizens, and businesses across the country. NIC provides eGovernment solutions for 3,500 federal, state, and local agencies and serves more than 70 million people in the United States. Additional information about NIC is available at https://www.egov.com.
We seem to be surrounded by more and more government.easy access to government agencies. what for? This will not improve our economy. it will improve EGOV's bottom line. we really need less government in our daily business life.simplify the tax code,for example. command and control.this is what the bureaucracy is doing for our businesses. Partnership with agovernment agency? why? we need a partnership with freedom, liberty, prosperity.
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