Supreme Court Ruling a Disappointment to Working Families and Small Businesses

Charles Djou
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Charles Djou

BY CONGRESSMAN CHARLES DJOU (R-2010) -Today’s ruling was a disappointment to working families and small businesses who have been looking for relief from the heavy hand of the federal government. While I believe we need real health insurance reform, this bureaucrat-focused, DC-centered approach based on bigger government is not what is right for Hawaii, or the nation. In addition to cutting Medicare, raising taxes and stifling economic growth with paralyzing uncertainty, the healthcare law does not address the real issue in health insurance: rising costs.

As a Congressman, I fought for Medicare and genuine reform that would increase access and lower costs and I will do so again. This process is far from over as the debate moves from the Supreme Court to Congress as to how the law should be further refined. I will be a commonsense, moderate voice for the people of Hawaii and ensure that the federal government stops making promises it cannot keep by spending money it doesn’t have.”

Charles Djou is a former member of Congress and previously served on the Honolulu City Council and in the Hawaii State Legislature.  He is a Republican candidate for Hawaii’s first congressional district.

