Taxes and Special Interest PAC Money

Charles Djou
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Charles Djou

BY FORMER CONGRESSMAN CHARLES DJOU – With yesterday’s deadine to file our federal tax returns, we are reminded once again that our tax system is broken and Congress is unable and unwilling to fix it.

As currently structured our tax system is overly complicated, hinders job creation, and favors special interest groups, who have the resources to lobby for tax breaks and loopholes that favor them.  Our current representatives in Congress have continued a tax system that is far too complicated and clearly fails to produce strong economic growth.  Even worse, we have politicians in Washington more interested in including exemption after exemption in our tax code to score political points; rather than fix a broken tax system that burdens our economy and our families.

I believe that we deserve a simpler and flatter tax code that is fairer to the average hard-working American, who doesn’t have the time and financial wherewithal to lobby for special tax breaks.  I have long championed tax reform and hope to bring the fight for change to D.C. with your support.

According to, my opponent reported that she has taken over $284,000 in special interest group money from organizations such as:

  • Am. Federal of State County and Municipal Employees $10,000
  • Seafarers PAC $8,000
  • Int’l Longshore and Warehouse Union PAC $6,000
  • Horizon Lines PAC $4,000
  • Plasterers and Cement Masons PAC $4,500
  • Monsanto Company Citizenship Fund $3,000
  • General Dynamics $4,000
  • American Crystal Sugar Company PAC $5,000
  • Great Lakes Sugarbeet Growers $1,000
  • Western Sugar Cooperative $1,000
  • Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative Sugar PAC $1,000
  • American Sugar Cane League PAC $1,000
  • Boilermakers – Blacksmiths $3,000
  • Engineers Political Education Committee $4,000
  • American Association for Justice $7,000
  • CULAC PAC $3,000
  • BLUEPAC $2,000
  • NEA Fund $2,000
  • NARFE $2,000
  • DANPAC $10,000

In contrast, 100% of the donations I received last quarter were from individual hard-working Americans like you who believe that we need to change our government.  We can’t continue to do the same thing and expect a different result.  If we want elected officials who aren’t beholden to special interests, we have to elect people who aren’t in the pocket of special interests.  I know this election will be tough, but I know we can win this.  We did it once and we can do it again.

With gratitude and fondest aloha,
Charles K. Djou

