Taxpayer Tea Party Rally Today; LEGISLATOR IDOL – Legislators Face Off in Foodbank Fundraiser – Public Invited; Sen. Inouye in Good Health, Spokesman Said

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TEA Party in Honolulu - Taxed Enough AlreadyTaxpayer Tea Party Rally Today

Oahu taxpayers, frustrated with Hawaii’s high taxes, will hold the 4th annual taxpayer tea party at the Hawaii State Capitol today from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, April 16.

Speakers include Senator Sam Slom, Councilman Tom Berg, Representative Barbara Marumoto, Rep. Gene Ward, and former Senator Fred Hemming, Dick Rowland of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, along with many other community leaders.

The event is free and open to the public.

LEGISLATOR IDOL – Legislators Face Off in Foodbank Fundraiser – Public Invited 

Senator Mike Gabbard is organizing and hosting “Capitol Idol 2012” aka “Senate vs. House Talent Smack-down!”, a showcase of Legislators’ hidden talents, at 5pm on Monday, April 16 at the State Capitol Auditorium with Augie T as a guest host.

Five Senate acts and five House acts will display their talents in dancing, singing, slam poetry, juggling and more in individual and team competitions to benefit the Hawaii Foodbank.  Senate contenders are Senators Mike Gabbard, Brickwood Galuteria, Josh Green, Pohai Ryan and Malama Solomon.

House contenders are Representatives Tom Brower, Cindy Evans, (to be named), John Mizuno and Marcus Oshiro. The winners will earn a perpetual trophy.  Admission is free. State employees may purchase scrips to vote for their favorite acts. There is no limit on the amount of scrips that one can purchase to vote.

After the competition, there will be an open mic segment of the program for legislators, staff or anyone else to perform while voting and counting occurs. This promises to be an epic showdown that you won’t want to miss! See who earns bragging rights and who slinks away in defeat.

(Submitted by Mike Gabbard’s office)

Sen. Inouye in Good Health, Spokesman Said

You may have seen a story on KHON 2 TV News about Sen. Inouye being taken to the emergency room at Queen’s Medical Center on Saturday night.

Peter Boylan, spokesperson for the 86-year-old senator, said that news was “totally false.”

He said Hawaii’s Senator, who heads the U.S. Senate’s appropriations committee and is President Pro Tem, is completely healthy and left Honolulu on Friday, was in Los Angeles Saturday night and returned to Washington DC on Sunday.

