Tea Parties to Hold Rallies in Multiple Hawaii Counties

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Citizens concerned with Hawaii Legislature’s plan to hike their taxes will hold “tea parties” across the state on Friday, April 15.

ON OAHU, the Honolulu Tea Party Tax Day Rally will be held at the State Capitol from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.  “The citizens of Hawaii are threatened to be overwhelmed by a tsunami of taxes. They will make their voices heard this Friday: NO MORE TAXES, STOP the SPENDING!” said Adrienne King, one of the coordinators.

Speakers at the Oahu rally include Kimberly Fletcher, nationally known Tea Party speaker and author of Women, America’s Last Best Hope; State Senator Sam Slom, City Councilman Tom Berg, anti-rail activist Cliff Slater, mayoral candidate Panos Prevedorous, Representative Gene Ward, Senate candidate Tito Montes, Professor Ken Schoolland, Li Zhou and Kawika Crowley. Radio Host from KHVH, Mike Buck, will support call-ins from the rally during his show from 3 to 7 p.m.

ON MAUI, the Maui Tea Party will host a “Taxed Enough Already” event, featuring Maui County Mayor Alan Arakawa, Dick Rowland (President Emeritus, Grassroot Institute) and other notable speakers

Organizers said: “Hawaii has the highest State Income Tax in the United States, and yet the Hawaii State Legislature is considering many new increases in taxes including income, excise, and other fees. Don’t you feel “Taxed Enough Already”? If you want to do something about it, come to the 2nd annual BOSTON TEA PARTY this Friday April 15, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Ho’aloha Park @ Kahului Harbor. Join the festivities, including music by Harley Brown, motivational speakers, and a reenactment of the 1773 dumping of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of taxation without representation. Please bring canned goods for donation to FEED MY SHEEP to support their charitable work for the less fortunate on Maui.”

IN KONA, HAWAII, organizers are meeting on Queen’s Highway by Kona Hawaii Temple on Friday, April 15th from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for their “Stand up for TAX DAY!” rally.  They will hold signs that read “Honk For Tax Reform!” and “Honk for Fiscal Sanity”

“We want to let the community know that they are being abused by the unchecked spending addiction in Hawaii. Bring your flags and wittiest signs,” Kona organizers said.

Not to be outdone by Kona, the HILO Tea Party will meet at the Hilo Bayfront King Kamehameha Statue on Friday, April 15th from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Their theme is “Taxed Enough Already!  No New Taxes!”

“The politicians just don’t seem to get it . . . It is impossible to tax our way to prosperity. Instead, what we need is a change in attitude. On the that recognizes that it’s not the government’s money (that we are oh-so-generously allowed a portion of). It’s OUR money and we deserve a say in how it’s spent.. The County of Hawaii, already in a deep budget hole despite raising property taxes, is still contemplating an extra $54million bond issue (borrowing) for additional construction projects.”

