Teen Enters Hawaii House Race as Youngest Candidate in US

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At age 18, Solomon Singer is somewhat of a novelty as the youngest candidate in the United States. But if elected, it won’t be the first time the people in the Puna district of Hawaii elected someone of unusual age. Helene Hale held this seat until age 88 as the eldest representative in the country, when she retired in 2006.

According to information on his biography at www.VoteForSinger.com, Solomon is part Tarzan, part aviator, part horseman, part electronics wiz, and part surfer.

Solomon was raised on a remote farm and nature preserve on the Puna coast of the Big Island, home schooled by his parents, medical anthropologists and authors, Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer. His curriculum was life, his classroom the real world, and his peers were horses, dogs, cats, chickens, geese, ducks, sheep, goats, and the few kids (human kind) he would see at the beach.

Instead of a diploma, Solomon earned licenses. He paid for his licenses and training with money he earned as a farrier, horse trainer and riding instructor. At age 13 he became an Amateur Radio operator, and by age 14 earned his Amateur Extra license, the highest in amateur radio. At age 16 he began training in aviation science and earned his private pilot license. And at age 17 he was awarded the highest FCC radio license, the General Radiotelephone Operators License (GROL), and the same year passed the test for his Aviation Ground Instructor license.

What makes him believe he can represent the people of Puna? “Animals taught me about clear, honest communication”, Solomon explains, “ and growing up and working with animals has taught me compassion and responsibility.”

But from the animal world to the political world? “People are animals, too”, Solomon says with a smile. “Right now people are frightened and distrustful of those who are leading them. They feel they are being led to slaughter. I believe I can restore their faith and trust in the future.”

His platform, aptly enough, is about youth and the future. “Kids today are feeling helpless and hopeless. That’s a real problem, because they are the future. We need to invest in the future by helping the kids of today”, Singer insists.

Among his many talents, this young man can also juggle, do acrobatics, install and repair alternative energy systems, raise honeybees, and is an inventor. He says his wide range of interests and experience will help him as the representative for Puna.

“I think my age is an asset. No strings. No biases. No hidden agendas. Just honest representation of the people of Puna.”

To see more about Solomon Singer, go to www.VoteForSinger.com, or contact Solomon at 808-443-4750.

Submitted by Solomon Singer’s Campaign –

