Texas State Senators Use Taxpayer Cash to Fly to Maui, Stay in Luxury Hotels, Ride in Private Charter Planes

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Houston, Texas — Texas state senators have racked up tens of thousands of dollars on the taxpayer’s tab jetting around the state in charter planes, relaxing in luxury hotels and hobnobbing at exclusive junkets.

Texas Watchdog reviewed state Senate travel records between January 1, 2008 and May of this year and found:

One state senator who went on a $3,000 seven-day junket in Maui, staying at a hotel that boasts a spa that “sets a new standard for head-to-toe pampering in paradise.”

Another state senator who spent more than $1,100 for two nights at a Ritz-Carlton on Manhattan’s waterfront.

A state senator who was reimbursed more than $17,000 for trips he took using his private plane — when cheaper commercial flights were available.

Check out the story at Texas Watchdog tomorrow, or come on over now to see the work we’ve done covering state and local government in Texas.


‘Trent Seibert is the editor of Texas Watchdog. Reach him at mailto:trent@texaswatchdog.org’

