The Hawaii Republican Party’s Alarming Negative Trend

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Report from the Hawaii Republican Assembly – Last week former Republican State Representative Gil Riviere announced his intent to leave the Hawaii Republican Party. It is difficult to understand how one’s principles can align with one party last week and another this week.

However, if legislative votes this past session are a criterion for party affiliation, almost all the current Republican legislators should change parties, including Riviere’s expected opponent, Richard Fale. Party principles should not be a moving target.

But here are some of the major problems

  • When our legislators support the Democrat caucus
  • When top-tier party candidates campaign on the left
  • When a message-less, voiceless Party Chair cedes the right . . .

. . . it leaves Republicans and anyone else saying “so what” – because there is no difference.

Many Hawaii Republicans have quit participating because the Party stands for nothing. If the Hawaii Republican Party adopts conservative principles and:

  • Provides that message to the people of Hawaii
  • Insists Republican candidates in Hawaii campaign on conservative principles as the alternative to oppressive liberal government
  • Insists Republican legislators maintain and vote a conservative position . . .

. . . then the Republican Party will present a clear alternative choice to the people of Hawaii.
However, the above solutions have not been practiced; therefore, the Hawaii Republican Party has seriously declined in the last 15 years. The chart below depicts the declining numbers of elected Republicans in state government:

HRP Losses

The Hawaii Republican Assembly wants to assist our party in reversing this trend.

Specifically, we want to enlist YOUR help by soliciting your input.


We will present these top ideas to delegates and party leaders at the upcoming State Convention in two weeks (Saturday, May 18, 2013). The results will also be posted on HIRA’s soon-to-be-unveiled website:




  1. My family have been devout republicans for over 100 years. My father was a justice of the peace in a small town in Pennsylvania town. i can understand how a person can suddenly decide to change their party affiliation on very short notice. The actions of the Republicaina party (essentially on the national level) have given me cause to pause and reflect.

    Hopefully someday I may eturn to the party, but at the moment I truly feel that the party is leading our country (or not leading our country) in the wrong direction.

    I have never bee, and still am not a Clinton fan, Using Bengazi in an attept to derail Hillary Clinton's possible run for the preidency is far from moral and ethical.

  2. I could never understand why the conservatives insist on taking over the republican party. There is already a Conservative Party, just build that up.

  3. It would be nice to have the author of this essay clearly identified in a by-line. It's called "transparency." The essay asks for 3 principles on which the Republican Party should stand; but there's nowhere to send those ideas.

    Here are my suggestions for three platform planks:

    1. Support racial equality; therefore oppose the Akaka bill and Hawaii Act 195 (2011) [assembling a roster of ethnic Hawaiians to create a race-based government];

    2. Reduce the excessive cost of doing business in Hawaii; therefore abolish the Jones Act or support an exemption from the Jones Act for the non-contiguous states (Alaska and Hawaii);

    3. Support separation of church and state; therefore get government out of the marriage business. Let each church choose for itself whether to marry same gender couples or even multiple partners; but church marriages get no government certificate and no government benefits or enforcement. Allow people to create domestic partnerships certified by government, just like any business partnership, where government does not inquire into whether the partners are of the same or opposite gender and does not inquire into whether or what kind of sex they have. People can choose whether to have a church marriage, or a government certified domestic partnership, or both.

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