The REAL Reason for “Breakthrough” Infections of COVID-19

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Many people are recognizing that there are apparent contradictions in the official narrative about COVID-19 and vaccinations. If the vaccine is supposed to prevent infection, then:

Why are so many vaccinated people getting sick with COVID (breakthrough infections)?
Why are the unvaccinated a risk to the vaccinated?
Why is immunity short-lived and boosters needed?
Why vaccinate those who already have had COVID and have natural immunity?

Why do these vaccines leave the vaccinated so vulnerable to infection?

The answer is that these vaccines are not preventative vaccines; they are therapeutic vaccines.

Preventative Versus Therapeutic Vaccines

There are two different categories of vaccines. Most people think of disease prevention when they think of vaccines. The purpose of these vaccines is to prevent a disease by exposing your immune system to a weakened or killed disease-causing organism, or pathogen, which educates your immune system about the pathogen and prepares your body for potential future attack. Once people are vaccinated against a disease, they have this vaccine-induced immunity and should stay well when exposed to the disease.

The other category of vaccines is treatment or therapeutic vaccines. This is a new field of medicine which tries to treat disease, rather than prevent it, using vaccines. Unlike traditional preventative vaccines, these therapeutic vaccines try to use your own immune system to fight a current diseased condition. As WebMD puts it, “While traditional vaccines are designed to prevent disease, researchers are working on something new: therapeutic vaccines, vaccinations that treat an illness after you have it.” (Treating Disease With Vaccines (Retreived 9/20/21))

For example, cancer vaccines involve taking cancer cells from someone, treating the cells in a way to make them more reactive with your immune system, and re-injecting the modified cancer cells back into that person to make the immune system attack the cancer. While these vaccines are still having problems, there is hope for this technology and its application to lots of diseased conditions. (Saxena, M., van der Burg, S.H., Melief, C.J.M. et al. Therapeutic cancer vaccines. Nat Rev Cancer 21, 360–378 (2021).

The COVID-19 vaccines use this type of technology. The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna take a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the spike protein genetic material) and introduce it into the body to elicit antibodies to the spike protein. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine uses similar technology but with a different delivery system to create an immune response to the spike protein.

The purpose of these therapeutic vaccines is to boost the body’s immune response to an already existing infection. These vaccines don’t prevent disease, but may help you fight it. This means that these COVID vaccines are not meant to be preventative, but are treatments that assume you have the virus.

Why Vaccinated People Still Get COVID

This explains why people who have been vaccinated can still get sick with COVID. The antibody response these vaccines create against the spike protein may be enough to reduce hospitalizations and deaths from COVID, but it is not robust enough to prevent infection in the first place. This is to be expected from a therapeutic vaccine as opposed to a preventative vaccine.

Why the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated are a Risk to the Vaccinated

This also explains why the unvaccinated are a risk to the vaccinated. The vaccinated are not protected from getting COVID. They can catch COVID from the unvaccinated — or from the vaccinated. In fact, the vaccine can make infections asymptomatic, but still infectious.

Why Boosters are Needed

Preventative vaccines are given to prevent a disease, typically presenting the body with a weakened or killed pathogen, creating a strong immune response that lasts and prevents future disease. Preventative vaccines are meant to prevent infection and pre-empt the need for natural immunity.

Therapeutic vaccines are given to stimulate the immune system to attack a pathogen that is currently causing infection, but which the immune system has been weak in managing. It is meant to help fight an existing infection, and assumes that there are already antibodies from natural immunity that are needing some help in the fight.

Therapeutic vaccine antibodies are more limited in their recognition of the virus than antibodies created by preventative vaccines that react to the entire virus. Most therapeutic COVID vaccines produce antibodies to the spike protein of the virus, and this is hoped to assist natural immunity in fighting the virus. However, since the therapeutic vaccines create antibodies to only part of the virus, they create a limited immune response that is not enough to prevent infection.

This is the difference between prevention and treatment. Prevention precludes the need for treatment; and treatment means failed prevention. You can’t prevent with a treatment; and you can’t treat with a preventative. Giving a preventative vaccine after being sick is as useless as giving a treatment vaccine before getting sick.

This means that the people who received a therapeutic vaccine for COVID and who do not get exposed to the virus afterwards will need boosters since their immune response to the vaccine wanes quickly with no infection. Ideally, then, assuming the vaccine is helpful and not causing immune problems, it would be best to take a therapeutic vaccine once you get exposed to the virus. That’s when you might need help with a treatment.

Therapeutic Vaccines for Long COVID

This suggests an answer to the dilemma about so-called Long Covid, where symptoms of COVID-19 exist long after infection, and often appear months after apparent recovery. It seems that the virus gets a foothold in the body and becomes difficult to eradicate. Once the body fights back the virus to the point of near recovery, the immune system calms down and antibody levels drop. Meanwhile, the virus retreats and hides in the body, staying dormant until months later when it re-emerges to create the long list of Long COVID symptoms.

This is the type of infection that therapeutic vaccines are meant to handle. Instead of allowing the immune system to lower its guard, at which time the virus re-emerges, the booster vaccine is meant to stimulate and assist the immune response, keeping the virus at bay.

This means that the vaccines being promoted for COVID-19 prevention are actually designed for COVID-19 therapy. They are for treatment, not prevention.

Why Are the Vaccines Therapeutic and Not Preventative?

Why would the CDC, FDA, and other authorities use a therapeutic vaccine instead of a typical preventative vaccine? There are probably numerous reasons, including financial. Bill Gates, for example, is heavily involved in therapeutic vaccines, and he certainly has clout.

However, my guess is that the people in charge knew from the beginning that coronaviruses are notorious for defying vaccines. These viruses mutate quickly, so vaccines to any one variant may not work for another. This is why there was trouble developing a vaccine to SARS-CoV-1, and why there are no preventative vaccines for the common cold, which is caused by another species of coronavirus. I can imagine the decision-makers concluding that a preventative vaccine is problematic, but a therapeutic vaccine might be helpful to treat the unpreventable infections.

So these authorities may have decided on a treatment approach using experimental therapeutic vaccines, instead of using problematic preventative vaccines. This is not a preventative approach, since therapeutic vaccines do not create complete protection, but merely assist the immune system in fighting existing infections.

Therapeutic Vaccines versus Other Treatments

This also explains why there has been resistance to other forms of treatment by the medical establishment. In fact, very little is ever discussed about treatment of COVID-19 apart from attacks on those who recommend them. If other treatments, such as Ivermectin, worked in preventing and/or treating COVID-19, these treatments would confuse the results of the experiment with the novel therapeutic vaccines. It would also get some people to avoid the vaccine, preferring a known drug treatment to an experimental vaccine treatment.

Why Vaccinate People Who Have Natural Immunity?

People who have had COVID-19 and have developed natural immunity are being told to still get the vaccine. The vaccine is not to prevent COVID, but to augment the body’s immune response to COVID-19. If it was for prevention and not therapy, then it would make no sense to give it to the naturally immune.

The implication is that COVID may still lurk inside the body, opportunistically waiting to reappear. The vaccine and the boosters are meant to keep your body vigilant to prevent these re-emergences of the virus.

Perhaps this makes sense of the way Israel is dealing with the vaccine and promoting boosters. They know that this is a therapeutic vaccine, and want to help people as much as possible to fight the infection. However, once lifestyles returned to pre-pandemic normal for the vaccinated, the infection rates skyrocketed because vaccinated people thought themselves immune, but they weren’t.

The emerging fact that the vaccine does not prevent infection has become so apparent that the government now says that the vaccine will reduce hospitalizations and deaths, while admitting the vaccine may not prevent infection.

Yet, the vaccine was sold to the public as a prevention against getting COVID-19. The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine as a preventative vaccine. “The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.” (FDA News Release: (Retreived 9/20/21))

The vaccine was approved and promoted to prevent COVID disease, but now we are told it will not prevent infection but will lower risk of hospitalization and death. This is admitting it is a therapeutic vaccine, not a preventative one.

Why the Lie?

Why would the authorities lie to the public about this? I suppose the alternative would have been to tell everyone the truth up front, but people would probably panic. They could have told the public that there is no way to get around this virus, which mutates and becomes difficult to eradicate from the environment or from your body. They could have mentioned that everyone will eventually get exposed to this virus, and while most people recover with no problem, some will suffer and die. So instead of prevention, which is a lost cause with a rapidly mutating coronavirus, we are going for treatment with a novel therapeutic vaccine.

Testing Opportunity for Therapeutic Vaccines

For investors and those in the medical industry who see the potential for therapeutic vaccines, the pandemic offered an unparalleled opportunity to get billions of dollars, and millions of people, to test and develop this technology. But to get people to willingly participate, the vaccine needed to be presented as a preventative vaccine, and not as a treatment vaccine, which means you will get sick but maybe not as much.

People want prevention over treatment, and most people think of vaccines as preventative and have no idea they are now being developed as a therapy/treatment. My guess is that many vaccinated people might not have gotten vaccinated had they known it would not prevent disease. Why assume the risk of an new vaccine technology if it won’t keep you from getting sick in the first place?

Of course, I am guessing about the thoughts of the authorities deciding the US policy towards the pandemic. But the above scenario does make sense out of the contradictions of COVID-19 pandemic policy.

Of course, this is a gross abuse of patient rights and the public trust. While drug companies invested in therapeutic vaccines are making billions testing their technology on the unsuspecting public, people have been lied to in order to get participation in this vaccine treatment study.

Why the Push and Mandates to Get Vaccinated?

Why the mandates to force everyone to get vaccinated, especially if it does not prevent disease? Again, I must guess, but it seems likely that the medical authorities want the public to accept using vaccines to treat disease. It’s a new paradigm in disease treatment, and people need to accept vaccines for this new modality to take hold.

Also, if everyone is vaccinated, there is no control group to compare for impacts of the vaccine. Side effects from the vaccinations, including autoimmune disease and Antibody Dependent Enhancement (where the vaccines paradoxically make it easier to get infected) can happen with vaccines, including therapeutic vaccines. It would be difficult to link side effects to the vaccines if there were no unvaccinated people with whom to compare outcomes. (Ricke, Darrell. Two Different Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Risks for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Front Immunol. 2021; 12: 640093. Published online 2021 Feb 24. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.640093)

Finally, there’s lots of money in therapeutic vaccines, especially since they only provide temporary protection and need ongoing boosters. Of course, they don’t yet know with this new technology if the boosters will enhance immunity, or cause autoimmunity. If you use the body to make antigens, as this technology does, then what stops the body from attacking itself as the enemy? The answer is that this is why we haven’t had these types of vaccines. They are problematic, and the bugs are still needing to be worked out.

Are Vaccine Mandates Appropriate for Therapeutic Vaccines that Don’t Prevent Disease?

Vaccine mandates are being justified on the basis that the vaccines are essential to prevent the transmission of disease. However, if these are a treatment of COVID and not a preventative, this mandate justification does not hold. Public health mandates vaccines to prevent spread of disease; the treatment of disease is a personal decision and is usually left to the physician and patient to decide. Personal treatment options are not a public health emergency. This means therapeutic vaccines, like other therapies, should not be mandated as a public health measure.

Do the Vaccinated Pose a Risk to the Unvaccinated?

Since the vaccinated can become infected, there is the potential for the natural selection of resistant virus variants. Vaccinated people have anti-spike protein antibodies, and any infection they get will select for viruses with mutations that are resistant to these antibodies. This is the same reason why taking low doses of antibiotics can create antibiotic-resistant bacteria. If the therapy does not kill the pathogen, but merely helps fight it, then resistant mutated strains can develop.

This means the vaccinated are more of a threat to public health than the unvaccinated; both can spread disease but the vaccinated are more likely to create new variants that escape immune response.

Herd Immunity Requires Natural Immunity, Not Therapeutic Vaccine Induced Immunity

It is clear that you cannot end a pandemic with a therapeutic vaccine. Herd immunity will depend, not on the vaccine, but on natural immunity. We are being told that we need vaccinations to end the pandemic. But treatment vaccines assume you already have the virus and need help getting rid of it. This is not prevention of disease. We need enough people to develop natural immunity to get to herd immunity.


The authorities have been misleading the public about the nature of the COVID vaccines, portraying them as preventative vaccines when they are really for treatment.

We are all going to get COVID, sooner or later, regardless of vaccine status.

Public health measures should apply equally to the vaccinated and unvaccinated, since both have the potential of spreading infection.

Vaccine mandates don’t make sense for a therapeutic vaccine, since these do not prevent the spread of disease, and may even create resistant virus variants.

If you feel you need help fighting Long COVID, you may want to try a therapeutic vaccine to boost your immune response. But other treatments may work as well or better, and have different cost/benefit profiles.

If you are wanting to hide in your home and wait out the pandemic, keep in mind that you will eventually need to come out of hiding, at which time you could get infected regardless of vaccine status.

The push to vaccinate is an attempt to enroll people into this therapeutic vaccine study, and exploits public misunderstanding of the difference between traditional, preventative vaccines and new, therapeutic vaccines, fooling many people into getting vaccinated to prevent COVID when the vaccine does not prevent disease.



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