Three Hawaii Gymnasts Named to US National Teams For the Age Group World Championships

Kayttie Nakamura, Sydney Senter and Alexander Paul
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Kayttie Nakamura, Sydney Senter and Alexander Paul
Kayttie Nakamura, Sydney Senter and Alexander Paul

Last weekend three local gymnasts competed at the USA Gymnastics National Team Selection Camp in Huntsville, Texas (the USA Gymnastics Olympic Training Center) and won international assignments.

Nationally, the top four and invited others in each of the fol-lowing age groups for each competitive event trained together and competed for spots on the US National Trampoline Gymnastics Teams to compete at the Age Group World Cham-pionships in Daytona Beach, FL, in November: 11-12 yrs, 13-14 yrs, 15-16 yrs, and 17-18 yrs, for both males and females.

The trampoline gymnastics competitive events are individual trampoline (TRI), synchro-nized trampoline (TRS), double mini-trampoline (DMT), and power tumbling (TUM).

Alexander Paul, 12, Moanalua Elementary School, placed 1st on TRI and DMT for the first selected spot on the 11-12 year old males TRI and DMT teams. He will also compete in TRS with a partner selected by the national coaches. At the US Championships this year he placed: DMT Level 10 (11-12 yrs) 1st Place (National Champion);TRI Youth Elite (11-13 yrs) 8th Place. He is a past National Champion in the US and Japan.

Kayttie Nakamura, 12, Kaimuki Middle School, placed 1st on TRI and 2nd on DMT for the first selected spot on the 11-12 year old female TRI and DMT teams. She will also compete in TRS with a partner selected by the national coaches. At the US Championships this year she placed: DMT Level 10 (11-12 yrs) 2nd Place; TRI Youth Elite (11-13 yrs) 4th Place. She is a past National Champion in the US and Japan.

Sydney Senter, 12, of Hawaii Baptist Academy, placed 1st on DMT and for the first selected spot on the US 11-12 year old DMT Team. At the US Championships this year she placed: DMT Youth Elite (11-13 yrs) 3rd Place and TRI Youth Elite (11-13 yrs) 13th Place. She is a past National Champion in the U.S. and Japan.

All gymnasts compete for the Hawaii Trampoline and Tumbling Club and train at Hawaii Academy in Honolulu. They are coached by Nani Vercruyssen with assistants Spencer Dupio and Kelsen Onigama.




  1. […] Three Hawaii Gymnasts Named to US National Teams For the Age Group World … Nationally, the top four and invited others in each of the fol-lowing age groups for each competitive event trained together and competed for spots on the US National Trampoline Gymnastics Teams to compete at the Age Group World Cham-pionships in … Read more on Hawaii Reporter […]

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