Top Ten Resolutions for 2004

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”’Editor’s Note: Overriding the unanimous opposition of his entire staff, U.S. Congressman Ed Case, Hawaii, Second District today released his Top Ten Resolutions for 2004, as follows (tongue-in- cheek, of course):”’

*10. Introduce bill to rename “Second District” as “First District;”

*9. Identify principal monk seal habitat for Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Talk Story location;

*8. Invent beam transporter for DC-Hawaii travel;

*7. Invite House Majority Leader Tom DeLay as “special VIP puaa” at First District luau;

*6. Invite House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to twirl firesticks at DeLay luau;

*5. Surf Potomac tidal bore without rashguard or leash;

*4. Clone staff genes and sell in Congress to subsidize interisland transportation;

*3. Consult same cosmetic dentist as Duke Aiona;

*2. Propose decentralizing Congress to county level;

*1. Stop, stop, stop, referring to Linda Lingle as “my precious.”

On a serious note, by any measure, 2003 presented both great challenges and great opportunities for our families, state, country and world. As the calendar turns to 2004, we must stop to remember those we have lost this year and those that are serving us today, especially overseas. We also need to reflect that what is in the history books cannot be erased: all we can do is learn from the successes and failures of ’03 and resolve to apply those lessons to what remains to be written in ’04. I truly look forward to the New Year and to the opportunity to work with all toward a better Hawaii and world.

