REPORT FROM THINKTECHHAWAII.COM – It’s time to get current on Tourism. How is it doing post-APEC? How has it changed over the past couple of years and how is it changing now? What are the current investment opportunities and challenges for the industry? What growth can we expect? Will it continue to be the driver of our economy? How can it be coordinated with other drivers? What incentives will be helpful?
Tourism, a discussion we need to have, a discussion that’s timely, a discussion that’s coming up soon. To get current, you need to attend the Hawaii Venture Capital Association ThinkTech Tourism 2012 program from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm Thursday, February 23rd at the Plaza Club in Pioneer Plaza. Registration starts at 11:30 am and the panel presentations begin at 12:00 noon.
There will be blue-ribbon speakers, a delicious buffet, provocative discussions and Q&A, our usual stellar crowd of entrepreneurs, investors and service providers and the networking these luncheons are known for.
The price of the event is $29 for members, faculty, government and other affiliates, $39 for non-members and $20 for students. We encourage you to sign up in advance. To prevent delays at registration we suggest using our PayPal payment page which accepts any type of credit card.
This luncheon event is co-sponsored by ThinkTech Hawaii, Pacific New Media at UH Manoa, KMH, LLP and Hawaii Business Magazine. For questions or to reserve your seat by telephone, please call Gail Caveney at (808) 262-7329.
Register Now! |