Town Hall Meeting on the Ewa Development Plan

Rail construction began in the vacant ewa fields (photo courtesy of Panos Prevedouros PhD)
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Rail construction began in the vacant ewa fields (photo courtesy of Panos Prevedouros PhD)

There is a townhall meeting on Tuesday, June 25, from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. at Kapolei High School Cafeteria (Kapolei Parkway at Ft. Barrette Rd.) about the Ewa Development Plan.

Come hear experts talk of the Plan’s tremendous impacts on you– more traffic + less farm-fresh food + desalinated water. Take a stand while there is still time.

Come in person or watch it at home! Televised live on ‘Olelo VIEWS Channel 54

Sponsored by League of Women Voters, Hawaii’s Thousand Friends, Save O’ahu Farmlands, Friends of Makakilo, Makawalu and Others

The City is pushing through approval of the update for the ‘Ewa Development Plan.   When approved, the Plan will be the law.  It will include Ho’opili within the Urban Growth Boundary, and designate that 1525 acres of land specifically for the development of the Ho’opili housing project.  Then, in a year or so, should D.R. Horton bring Ho’opili project itself before the Council for zoning approval, there will be little possibility to oppose it because it already has been designated for the area in the ‘Ewa Development Plan.  Our new Council member Kymberly Pine is committed to pushing the Ho’opili project, and to enshrining it in this Plan.

The Ho’opili project will bring freeway traffic to a standstill, even with rail, will put 11,750 houses on 31% of the O’ahu farmland currently producing food for the local market, and will exhaust our supply of fresh drinking water, forcing us into desalination.

We have gone door to door.  We know that the community does not want the Ho’opili project.  But it is being carved into law while they are at work, unaware.

There are two more chances to stop the approval–one at the Zoning and Planning Committee meeting ‘s second hearing on Thursday, June 27, and then at the third reading of the full council meeting on July 10.  The only real thing that is going to stop it, however, is  strong community opposition.

The Town Hall meeting will let the Council know that there is serous opposition to the plan in our Leeward area.  Experts in areas of traffic, agriculture, and water will explain to the community what lies ahead if the Plan is approved.  ‘Olelo will telecast the meeting live on Channel 54 so that the greater community will be aware.

The Town Hall Meeting marks the beginning of a new era in community government in Kapolei.  It is being organized by the recently elected, new majority of the Makakilo-Kapolei-Honokai Hale Neighborhood Board.  This new Board will be committed to putting the betterment of the community first.

