Tracking Important Votes at the US Capitol

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Almost every week, the House and Senate cast votes on your behalf, and very few of those votes are ever noticed by the public. This week, I thought I would give you some idea of what your elected officials have been up to on issues of economic freedom.

To see how your congressman and Senators voted on each one, please read the following and click on the related links:

House Vote 391: DISCLOSE Act – Final Passage (HR 5175)

The DISCLOSE Act restricts political speech and is the Democrats’ response the Supreme Court’s striking down of McCain-Feingold’s worst provisions. The bill creates a special carve-out for large special interests like the NRA and the Sierra Club, whose support was needed in order for this bill to pass. A “NO” vote is a vote in support of limited government. It passed 219-206.

Senate Vote 197: Tax Extenders Bill – DeMint Amendment (HR 4213)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) tried to kill a Jim DeMint (SC) amendment that would permanently extend the 15% capital gains tax rate, which is expected to jump to 20% next year. The extension would have spurred investment and created jobs, but Reid’s motion to kill the amendment was approved, 57-40. A “NO” vote is a vote in support of limited government.

Senate Vote 200: Tax Extenders Bill (HR 4213)

Senate Democrats made a motion to invoke cloture on their ugly “tax extenders” bill. Sixty votes were needed to prevent the ongoing Republican filibuster. The bill would extend several tax provisions, raise certain taxes on small businesses for the first time, raise the per-barrel oil tax to 49 cents (a 612% hike!), extend unemployment benefits, and undo Medicare spending cuts. A “NO” vote is a vote in support of limited government. The motion was rejected 57-41.

Chris Chocola is the President of the Club for Growth

