Tsunami Warning Issued for Hawaii

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The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has issued a Tsunami Warning for the state of Hawaii at 9:31 p.m. Thursday.

The center said a Tsunami was generated off the coast of Japan that could cause damage along all coasts of Hawaii and that urgent action should be taken to  protect lives and property.

The center reminded people that a Tsunami isn’t a single wave, but a series of waves that can extensively flood coastal areas.

“The danger can continue for many hours after the initial wave as subsequent waves arrive,” said the warning. State Civil Defense recommended people move a half-mile inland from coasts.

A center spokesman said the Tsunami will arrive at Kauai first, but that it will sweep the entire island chain within about 20 minutes. A spokesman said the models are showing the wave will be larger than the Tsunami that occurred in February 2010 after an earthquake in Chile.

At about 10:38 p.m. the Honolulu Department of Emergency Management issued an alert for people to leave all coastal evacuation areas.

It also issued a list of  Tsunami Refuge Locations:

The following locations are available as Refuge Areas for residents in the evacuation zones. Residents must bring all supplies with them such as non-perishable foods, water, extra clothing and other necessary supplies.

These refuge areas are not shelters. Refuge areas provide a safe place outside of the evacuation zone for residents to gather, access a restroom and drinking water.

Evacuation shelters will be opened if needed following the issuance of the ALL CLEAR over TV and radio.

Ala Wai Clubhouse 404 Kapahulu Ave
Nanakuli High & Inter School 89-980 Nanakuli Ave
Waianae Elementary School 85-220 McArthur St Aina Haina Community Park 827 West Hind Dr
Asing Community Park 91-1450 Renton Rd
Crane District Park 2903 Kaimuki Ave
Ewa Beach Community Park 91-955 North Rd
Herbert K. Pililaau Community Park
85-166 Plantation Rd
Kahala Community Park 4495 Pahoa Ave
Kahulu’u Community Park 47-260 Waihee Rd
Kailua District Park 21 South Kainalu Dr
Kaimuki District Park 3521 Waialae AveKalakaua District Park DPR 720 McNeil St
Kaupuni Park DPR 85-1280 Kaneaki St
Kilauea District Park 4109 Kilauea Ave
Kokohead District Park 423 Kaumakani StKuliouou Neighborhood Park 501 Kuliouou Rd Honolulu
Makaha Community Park 84-730 Manuku St
District Park DPR 1527 Keeaumoku St
McCully District Park 831 Pumehana St Honolulu
Niu Valley Middle School
Sunset Beach Elementary School Haleiwa 96712
Waialua District Park 67-180 Goodale Ave
Waimanalo District Park 41-415 Hihimanu St


