By Colleen Hanabusa – Saturday was a big night for all of us. It showed all of Hawai‘i, once and for all, that we can and will win in the September primary and November general elections.
Some told us that we shouldn’t be in this race. They told us to sit on the sidelines. They insisted that we were going to fail. They were wrong. We left no doubt that momentum is on our side, and will continue to build to our advantage.
It is clear that the voters believe I am the more electable Democratic candidate, one who will stand strong for our values and priorities. I will continue campaigning as Hawaii’s favored Democratic candidate.
I welcome the task ahead of unifying Hawaii’s Democrats for the primary and general elections. I thank Senators Inouye and Akaka for their unwavering support in this journey of ensuring a better life for all in the state of Hawaii.
The results prove that we have the best team in this race. Today we begin the next phase of our campaign to give Hawai‘i the representation we need and deserve in Washington.
Let’s march down this road together.
Colleen Hanabusa is the Hawaii Senate president and a Democratic candidate for Congress District 1, Hawaii