UH Investigation Monday | Break Wind on Molokai | Operation Homefront for Toys | Old Surfers Never Die | Djou at Sunrise

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SBH Awards Dinner Friday.

Final call: there’s still time for you to reserve to attend the 5th annual business leadership awards banquet sponsored by Smart Business Hawaii (SBH) and the Small Business Hawaii Entrepreneurial Education Foundation, this Friday, September 21 at the Waialae Country Club. Piano stylings by Don Conover. Silent Auction. Surprise guests! Come show your support for our business colleagues. The Lex Brodie SBH Business Persons of the Year are Bobbie & Cliff Slater. The SBH Jean Fukuda Civic Leadership Awardee for 2012 is Mike Palcic of MGP Consulting and the SBH George Mason Outstanding Business Reporting awardee is Andrew Pereira of KITV-TV. Also: Dale Evans (Charley’s Taxi) SBH Business Booster; SBH Success All Stars: Bill Comerford(O’Tooles/Hawaii Bar Owners Association), Peter Kim (Yummy Korean BBQ) and Bob Sigall, “The Companies we Keep” and Rear View Mirror (in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser); SBH Educators of the Year are Justin Mew (Niu Valley Middle) andJed Gaines, Read Aloud America. Details? Sponsorships? Come join us. Call Darlyn: 808-396-1724.


Book ‘Em Dan-O. The annual “Hawaii 5-0” Sunset on the Beach will be held this Sunday at 5 pm in Waikiki. The stars will be there and residents will get to see the opening preview of season 3 which begins Monday night on CBS. Get there early!


Libertarian Panels Saturday. The Libertarian Party of Hawaii is sponsoring its Liberty Conference at the Harris United Methodist Church at the corner of Vineyard & Nuuanu on Saturday, September 22nd, 9 am to 5 pm. Panels on Political Labels, Media Coverage, Debt and other issues will be highlighted. I’ll be there. Public welcome.


UH Investigation Monday. The much awaited State Senate Special Accountability Committee, headed by Senator Donna Kim, convenes Monday, September 24, at 1 pm in room 211, State Capitol. The Committee will be investigating recent financial decisions at the University of Hawaii. The hearing is open to the public and will be televised live on O’lelo (Channel 49). A second hearing has already been set for October 2. Bring your UH football ticket stub to the hearing for a free can of hot air.


Fly With Me. Were you able to score one of those $482 R/T tickets on Hawaiian Air to NYC? The booking deadline was last Monday. I wanted to go really baaaad. No can.


Old Surfers Never Die. Former World Champion surfer and retired Republican State Senator Fred Hemmings will be on PBS “Insights” with his opponent Laura Thielen Thursday night at 8 pm (channel 10), in a battle to represent Senate District 25. Moderator is Dan Boylan. This is one of the State Senate premier contests. Will Hemmings dunk Thielen and return to politics?


Jones Lang LaSalle Awarded Leasing and Management of Hawaii Kai Towne Center. Jones Lang LaSalle announced that it has been awarded the leasing and management of Hawaii Kai Towne Center, a 480,000 square-foot mixed-use center located at 333 Keahole St. in Honolulu. Jones Lang LaSalle’s retail portfolio in Hawaii also includes Windward Mall and Kapalama Center on O’ahu, Queen Ka’ahumanu Center on Maui and the Kings’ Shops on Hawai’i Island.


Leading the leasing efforts is Jones Lang LaSalle’s John Stevens and Deven Higa.  Jeanie Evans will re-join Jones Lang LaSalle as the center’s General Manager while Alexandra Kirley, Senior Marketing Manager of Windward Mall – also owned by Kamehameha Schools – will be overseeing the marketing strategy for Hawaii Kai Town Center.


Hawaii Kai Towne Center was developed in 1993.  The retail center is currently 100 percent leased and is anchored by Costco Wholesale, Ross Dress for Less and City Mill Home Improvement Center, and of course, Smart Business Hawaii!


Don’t Fall! The Hawai’i State Department of Health (DOH) Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention Systems Branch and the Hawai’i Fall Prevention Consortium, in collaboration with The Queen’s Medical Center, FOODLAND Supermarkets, MINA Pharmacies, TIMES Supermarkets, and KTA Superstores, are sponsoring Kupuna Fall Prevention Awareness Week activities from September 22 to 30.  The week coincides with National Fall Prevention Awareness Day on September 22, established by Congress.


“On average, every five hours in Hawai’i a senior suffers a fall injury so serious he or she must be hospitalized,” said Director of Health Loretta Fuddy.  “Fall prevention is a major concern for the safety and well-being of our beloved kupuna, the fastest growing segment of our population.”


Falls and fall-related injuries impact individuals, families, the community at large, and the health care system.  Fall incidents increase dramatically in the years after age 65, and those who have fallen once are much more likely to fall again.  Every year in Hawai’i, an average of 108 kupuna die, 1,840 are hospitalized and 5,715 are treated in emergency departments due to falls, resulting in almost $118 million in hospital and physician charges.  Adding the costs of rehabilitation and nursing care can double that amount.

Throughout the week, partnering pharmacies will be offering free medication reviews, and “Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors” bag-stuffers will be distributed statewide by participating stores.  Sponsor newsletters will also include fall prevention stories and tips, and magnets with fall prevention messages will be available.


From September 28 to 30, free physical screenings will also be provided by Fall Prevention Consortium members and Queen’s Hospital volunteers at the Seniors’ Fair Good Life Expo at Blaisdell Exhibition Hall in Honolulu.


Toys for Operation Homefront. Operation Homefront, the national non-profit organization that provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of service members and Wounded Warriors, announced its annual Holiday Toy Drive to collect gifts for military kids.  Operation Homefront volunteers and field offices across the nation will soon begin collecting donated toys, along with monetary donations, to be distributed to the children of service members this holiday season.


This marks the sixth annual campaign by Operation Homefront to give the children of military families toys for the holiday.  The organization is seeking volunteers from across the nation to help collect the toys from designated drop-off points and assist at distribution parties.  More information about how to volunteer is available online. Click here>


Local establishments wishing to join Operation Homefront’s Holiday Toy Drive can register to place a collection box in an office lobby, at a cash register, or other public place of business.  Business owners can contact Operation Homefront at 800-722-6098 to learn more about being a designated Operation Homefront Holiday Toy Drive collection spot.  Every year, toys are collected at local coffee shops, hair salons, preschools, fire stations, retailers, offices, and more.


In 2011, Operation Homefront’s Holiday Toy Drive collected over 7 million toys nationwide for military kids.  Log on to OperationHomefront.net for more details on how to help military families.  In the coming weeks, Operation Homefront will announce additional information on how Americans interested in donating holiday toys to military kids can help.


Break Wind on Molokai! The Board of Directors of the West Molokai Association (WMA), representing the owners of 811 West Molokai properties, has unanimously declared its “resolute opposition” to the proposed Big Wind industrial wind project and Hawaii Inter-Island undersea cable, and stated it will take whatever steps necessary to halt the project.

The project would cover 17 square miles of Molokai with industrial wind turbines 47 stories tall.


It is being planned by HECO, Molokai Ranch, Pattern Energy and Bio-Logical Capital, and is backed by Governor Neil Abercrombie. Noting that the project would “dramatically alter and irreversibly change West Molokai’s rural character and pastoral environment,” the Board’s Resolution added that it would also “result in increased electrical costs for Hawaiian residents, already among the highest in the United States.  In fact, the law in question, SB 2785, recently signed by Governor Abercrombie, allows HECO to raise homeowner rates through “an automatic rate adjustment clause” to pay for the undersea cable, currently estimated to cost $1 billion dollars.


The project would entail, the Resolution stated, the industrialization of West Molokai and Maunaloa, involving years of construction, dust and erosion, the building of miles of new roads, transmission lines, buried cables, inverter stations and other facilities on fragile lands sacred to Hawaiians and internationally known for their beauty and as habitats for rare and endangered species. The project would also require, the Board said, the development of a deep water port in sensitive coastal zones and high voltage cables across the Hawaiian National Humpback Whale Sanctuary and Molokai Reef, the world’s largest and most pristine coral reef north of Australia.


The Board’s resolution added that the project would “severely reduce the numbers of birds, bats, seals, dolphins, whales, game fish and other wildlife, as well as the visual beauty and archaeological and cultural resources of West Molokai, all which provide great value to our members.”


WMA will work closely with I Aloha Molokai (www.IAlohaMolokai.com), a widely-supported Molokai citizens’ group that has been fighting the project for over a year, and with the residents of Maunaloa, which will be surrounded on two sides by the wind turbine towers.


WMA is a non-profit corporation organized to monitor the management, protection and preservation of its members’ properties on the Island of Molokai, and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of its members. The Board Resolution can be found on the WMA website: https://wmahome.org.


Medal of Honor Convention. 53 living Medal of Honor recipients will be in Honolulu as part of the 2012 Medal of Honor Convention. For more information or to join in honoring our nation’s Medal of Honor recipients by sponsoring the convention or by volunteering, visit  MedalofHonorConvention2012.com or email sponsor@MedalOfHonorConvention2012.com.


Deadline for SBH Medal of Honor Contest. The SBH Foundation, in conjunction with the Oahu Veterans Council, Navy League, Civil Air Patrol, DAV, Winners’ Camp Academy and Hawaii Youth Challenge, is sponsoring a patriotic essay contest for all Hawaii students, grades 10 -12. The theme of the essay is: “What Are The Unique Characteristics of a Medal of Honor Recipient?” The deadline for receipt of the essay has been extended to noon, Friday, September 21. Cash prizes for the winners. $1,000 for 1st place; $500 for 2nd place and $250 for 3rd place. Honorable Mention also. Awards presented by a Medal of Honor recipient at a public ceremony at Punchbowl, during the week of October 6, 2012. Check with your school counselor or contact SBH at 396-1724. For questions or further information, please contact SBH, by phone or email>


Go Warriors! The University of Hawaii Warriors football team plays its first Mountain West opponent, Nevada, this Saturday, at 4:30 pm. Less than 30,000 attended last Saturday in the 54-2 walloping of Lamar of Texas. Support the team. Prediction: UH in a 2-1 victory.


Charles Djou at SUNRISE. The next SBH Sunrise Networking Breakfast is next Thursday, September 27, at the Pineapple Room, Macy’s, Ala Moana Center. Featured speaker is Charles Djou, running for a seat in Congressional District 1.  Charles’ topic is “America’s Fiscal Crisis and Its Impact on Hawaii.” Time is 7 – 8:30 am. Complete buffet breakfast, networking and business announcements. Call Darlyn (396-1724) or go online to register.

SBH can help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?   Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: SBH@lava.net. Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.



Hawaii Reporter On The Air. Go to www.HawaiiReporter.comfor the real investigative news. HR, founded by Malia Zimmerman, continues to break major investigative stories that most of the media won’t touch. Tune in to KHVH (830 am) every week day now at 7:05 am to hear Malia’s report.Wanna Ad?  Some readers have inquired about placing an ad on the right margin of these weekly blasts which reach more than 10,000 people. Interested?  If you want your business ad posted, the cost is $50 for one placement or $150 per month (4-5 placements). Contact Darlyn at SBH (396-1724) for specifics. 

Do More Business: JOIN SBH!. Is YOUR business a member of SBH?  No? Lots of benefits. Strong networking organization.  Call Darlyn today (396-1724) or go online towww.smartbusinesshawaii.com.


Want more local business information? Please visit the several SBH websites at:: www.smartbusinesshawaii.com,www.educate808.com and  www.sbhfoundation.org.


Celebrating a business milestone? Your business press releases are welcome in the weekly SBH News & Views E-News which reaches more than 10,000 business owners and government leaders in Hawaii.
What? Not receiving your copy? Send PR, additional requests and email address to  SBH@lava.net or call Darlyn at 396-1724.

