UH Mānoa Students Begin Internships in Offices of State Legislators, Prosecuting Attorney

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In front row, from left, are Austin Rochon, Niroshan Kariapper and Laila Goring. In back row, from left, are Shane Strong, Geoffrey Pullen and James Larson. At right is Professor Lawrence Nitz of the Political Science Department, who oversees the legislative and Congressional internship programs with Jon Matsuda of Outreach College.

Ten University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa undergraduate students will be spending the Spring 2011 semester as legislative interns in the offices of state representatives and senators, and one will serve as an intern in the city Department of the Prosecuting Attorney.

The UH Mānoa students and the offices to which they are assigned are:

State House
Marissa Agena of Kapaa, Kaua‘i – Representative Rita Cabanilla
Davin Aoyagi of Kuliouou – Representative Karl Rhoads
Niroshan Kariapper of McCully – Representative Angus McKelvey
James Larson of Mānoa – Representative Marcus Oshiro
Geoffrey Pullen of Mānoa – Representative Blake Oshiro

State Senate
Charles Feldman of Haleiwa – Senator Kalani English
Laila Goring of the Ala Moana area – Senator Clayton Hee
Austin Rochon of Hawai‘i Kai – Senator Mike Gabbard
Shane Strong of the Ala Moana area – Senator Michelle Kidani
Troy Thompson of Kailua – Senator Sam Slom

Department of Prosecuting Attorney (Honolulu)
Abigail Trenhaile of Kaneohe

Scholarship funding covers a full semester’s tuition and earns each intern 15 credits toward graduation.

In addition to the legislative and prosecutor’s interns, four UH Mānoa students are spending the Spring 2011 semester in Washington, D.C., as Fellows interning in all four offices of the state’s Congressional delegation.  The Congressional interns are Sean Callahan of Kailua (U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa), Elyse Oyama of Kailua (U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka), Sun Young “Kelly” Park of Hawai‘i Kai ((U.S. Representative Mazie Hirono), and Edward Toyozaki of St. Louis Heights (U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye).

All internship programs are under the jurisdiction of the UH Mānoa Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and overseen and administered by Professor Lawrence Nitz of the Political Science Department and Jon Matsuda of Outreach College.

