University of Hawaii President Greenwood to be Honored at UC Davis

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    M.R.C. Greenwood, an internationally known nutrition researcher who became the first female president of the University of Hawaii in 2009, will be honored Oct. 8 with an Award of Distinction from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) at the University of California, Davis.

    Greenwood is among nine recipients of the 2010 award, presented annually to those whose contributions and achievements enrich the image and reputation of UC Davis and enhance its ability to provide public service.

    “M.R.C. has been a respected member of our faculty and has proven herself time and again as an effective administrator,” said CA&ES dean Neal Van Alfen. “She helped our faculty make courageous, difficult recommendations that formed the foundation for the changes we’ve been making to maintain the excellence of our college.”

    Greenwood joined the UC Davis faculty in 1989, becoming a distinguished professor of nutrition and internal medicine. She also served as vice provost of Academic Outreach and dean of Graduate Studies before leaving the campus in 1996 to become chancellor of UC Santa Cruz. In 2004 she went on to University of California headquarters to serve as provost and as senior vice president for Academic Affairs. Greenwood’s research interests include national science policy, obesity, diabetes, and women’s health. She is a national leader on science and technology policy and has served on many state and national committees and councils, and with many professional societies. From 1993 to 1995 she served as associate director and consultant to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

    She credits an act of altruism she received as a young adult with a profound influence on her life. “As a young single mother trying to work my way through college and raise a young son, my life was irrevocably changed when an anonymous donor offered to pay my tuition,” Greenwood said. “This generosity of a stranger allowed me to achieve all that I’ve accomplished, and I have never forgotten it. Nothing can compare to the importance of family, but giving back to the community, and especially to those who deserve a quality education, ranks a close second.”

    Submitted by John Stumbos, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences




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