Veterans from Hawaii, Honolulu and Maui Counties Support Fellow Veteran Ron Paul

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REPORT FROM RON PAUL’S HAWAII CAMPAIGN TEAM – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today new members of its active “Veterans for Ron Paul” Nationwide Coalition.

Veterans joining the coalition reside in Hawaii, Honolulu, and Maui Counties where they will assist in spreading the word about Congressman Paul’s tireless commitment to veterans.   The 12-term Congressman is the only veteran in the race for the office of President.

Veteran Calen Dean of Aiea served in the Hawaii Air Guard.  His support for Congressman Paul comes from seeing the wasteful spending by our federal government.  He said he had colleagues who volunteered to go overseas to make money, not in defense of our country.  Dean said, “The unconstitutional printing of money by the Federal Reserve and subsequent bailouts have crippled our economy.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who grasps the knowledge of the economic system to fix it.”

Don Jusko, a decorated veteran of the U.S. Navy, has been studying Congressman Paul daily.  He found that his consistent views appealed to him, particularly Paul’s principled stand to always follow the Constitution, his push to audit the Federal Reserve, return the country to the gold standard, and balance the budget.  Jusko declared, “Ron Paul will end these unconstitutional wars and bring our troops home, and protect our borders.”

Kaunakakai veteran Kimo Lowe feels our Constitution is being violated, and our citizens are being disenfranchised.  Lowe said, “Dr. Paul speaks the truth, and supports our troops.  It is obvious that the troops also support him.”  Further, Lowe said, “ He follows in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson, seeking not anarchy, nor violence, but justice, demanding that the Constitution be upheld.”

Veteran Andres Mukk of Mililani stated his support for Congressman Paul comes from realizing that his voting record best represents the key planks of the Hawaii Republican Party platform.  Mukk stated,  “Paul’s record clearly supports liberty, limited government, individual responsibility, fiscal accountability, and equality of opportunity, all matters Hawaiian Republicans find important.”

Cynthia Verschuur of Pahoa served as a surface warfare officer, and also supports the Texas Congressman.  Verschuur echoed similar sentiments as the other members of the coalition in stating why she joined the veterans group.

This announcement follows a recent one concerning Ron Paul having received far more donations from active military men and women than all the other candidates combined.

A flight surgeon during the Cold War era, Ron Paul’s commitment to veterans was recently showcased in the campaign’s television ad ‘He Served.’  The campaign’s more recent television ad titled ‘Secure’ highlights Dr. Paul’s plan to keep America safe.

As a function of this announcement, all of the above-mentioned persons are members of the “Veterans for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition, in particular its Hawaii steering committee.

As a first basic step, those wanting to join the active “Veterans for Ron Paul” nationwide coalition should complete the Hawaii State coalition sign-up form, and then visit the official national coalition web page by clicking here.




  1. The mass media and some commentators would like to present Santorum as a candidate whose strength is only in social issues. They deliberately do this in order to have BHO reelected. Santorum is not only the leader in social issues but in national security and foreign policy. Please read the two acts that he authored in 2004: The Iran Freedom Act and the Syrian Accountability Act. Santorum strongly opposes a government intrusion in private sectors. Base on principle, He opposed all bailouts. He condemns the current administration’s infringement on freedom of religion and conscience. The government should not force religious individuals and religious organizations such as catholic schools, charities etc. to provide its employees with contraceptives, morning-after pills (Plan B) and sterilization. This is an infringement on religious freedom and an attack on people of faith.

    Let us take some common factors for all the candidates and
    evaluate them in order to hire one of them as POTUS:

    1. Character and integrity -Santorum wins hands down; No flip-flops in cap & trade, climate change, bailouts, abortion , gay marriage, individual health mandates etc.; Compared to others he has very less or no personal, professional and political issues. He could make Barack Obama and his policies an issue of the general campaign. We cannot afford a candidate who will be an issue in the general campaign.

    2. Humble Beginnings – Santorum wins (lived in public housings – with a coal miner parents’); has less money than Obama and the remaining candidates. There is nothing wrong in having more money. Having less money discourages the left from using class warfare. They cannot say Santorum is part of the 1% who represents the interest of the Wall Street.

    3. Consistency in conservative leadership in sanctity of life & family, consistently supports marriage between a man & a woman, fought for tort reform; fought for welfare reform, Defense of Marriage Act( DOMA), late term abortion and had legislative victories etc.: Santorum has a matchless record in social issues. Romney has started saying he lived having core conservative values. Romney’s father was Rockefeller republican and his mother was pro-choice. He even called himself severely conservative. Is there anyone who could tell us what Romney’s consistent values have been for his life time? Santorum got 75% of the votes by leaders of Evangelicals, Catholics, and Protestants who met early this year in Houston Texas (all candidates sent their surrogates to the two day conference who heard all of them speak for their respective candidates before the votes). He has 88% rating by ACU. He has 98% ratings by NRA while Ron Paul has 50%.

    4. Sound national security and foreign policy: Santorum even won in some of the CNN debates when asked about US foreign policy for Latin America etc. and various issues including issues related to individual mandates and Romney care. No other candidate has an experience in national security & foreign policy like Santorum. Please read online the Iran Freedom & Support Act & the Syrian Accountability act which were authored by Santorum in 2004. Why do we look to a novice (such as Romney and others) in national security and foreign policy when we have already a well experienced candidate (Santorum)? As a person who worked for 8 years as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he knows better about our national security and international interests.

    5. Likability: It is widely believed that Santorum is the most likable candidate with less or almost no personal and professional issues. He is a faithful husband, father of 7 children. He is the best role model for a family.

    6. Economic Policy: Santorum is the only candidate who has a family friendly and manufacturing centered economic policy that helps US to grow our economy and jobs. Through this policy he can win back Reagan democrats, blue collar workers in the swing states. The Wall Street Journal called Santorum’s economic policy bold and supply side economics for the working person.
    7. Negative Campaign; Insider or/and Outsider issue: Romney has already spent about $50 Million to attack his fellow republicans. He has continued to distort Santorum’s records. Romney is the worst in negative campaign followed by Ron Paul and Gingrich. Romney requested earmarks for Utah Olympics and for Massachusetts. He accuses Santorum as earmarker, insider and big government spender. ABC News recent video exposed Romney’s attitude about receiving earmarks (government money). Getting earmarks and bringing the bacon home gladly was one of the reasons representatives were sent to Washington DC, according to former Senator from Wyoming, Allen Simpson on CSPAN recently. The debt ceiling while Santorum was in US Senate was very much smaller than what it is now. It is better to say that Romney is the current ultimate insider (most elite and Republican establishment still support Romney) because he is for the status quo. Being an insider gives you a better insight and understanding of the problems in the federal government (the three coequal branches of our government). Santorum left the Senate five years ago and has been in private sector since then. Earmark is less than 1% of the US yearly budget and is legal. Resorting to such insignificant issue and an attack by Romney shows his desperation to simply get a vote at any cost.
    8. Debating skills: Although he does not promote himself as the best debater like Newt, Santorum won some of the CNN debates before the one we saw in Arizona (almost all media outlets agreed to the fact that Santorum won based on substance). There are three presidential debates in the fall. The idea that a candidate will have a Douglas – Lincoln debate type is just an illusion and a stunt to get votes. Nobody can force any one to a debate outside of he officially agreed upon three debates to which he may not agree.
    Rupert Murdoch (Owner of the Fox News) said Santorum has a big idea when compared to others. Rush Limbaugh said he is the one who has not harmed the conservative cause.
    Ron Paul is a libertarian. He ran on Libertarian ticket in 1988. He has not ruled out a possibility of running as a third party candidate in 2012. He has not adequately addressed about his racist newsletters published under his name and for which he was the editor. His isolationist foreign policy and his belief that America is responsible for all the attacks against it including 911 and his objection to America’s entry into WWII, which stopped Nazis and communists world domination won’t be acceptable to the majority of Americans. Romney is unreliable and Newt is unpredictable, according to those who closely know them. Romney is not credible to stand against Obama on Obamacre, bailouts, tax increases (had big net tax increases and fees as Governor), supported No Child Left Behind Program and still supports it (although he accuses Santorum of the same). Newt married three times and changed church three times. Newt was for bailouts, TARP, the bogus man made climate change, cap & trade, individual health mandate, member of the Council On Foreign Relations (globalist) since 1990s. Newt divorced twice due to infidelity.

  2. […] tv ad 'Plan' in HawaiiThe State ColumnPaul says aloha to Hawaii with new adCNN (blog)Hawaii Reporter -Politico (blog)all 15 news […]

  3. Rick Santorum’s decidedly un-conservative. He voted to raise the federal debt ceiling five times, he voted to double the size of the Department of Education through the costly and wildly unpopular No Child Left Behind initiative, and he voted for the behemoth Medicare Part D – the biggest such entitlement expansion since the 1960s. Santorum voted in favor of giving anti-American dictators in North Korea and Egypt billions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer-supplied foreign aid, and he even voted to give notorious abortion provider Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in funding.

    • Compared to all of the candidates in the race, Rick Santorum is the only authentic and consistent conservatives. He has 88% ratings from ACU and 98% from NRA. In January of this year, he received 75% of the votes from the leaders of people of faith (evangelicals, catholic and protestants) after they listened to the representatives of all the candidates then in the race. Without understanding how the US Congress works, so many individuals criticize Rick Santorum. When there is a popular bill (like a defense), some members insert in unpopular bill which will not pass on its own. In order to avoid a gridlock, some members would be forced to vote for the popular & unpopular ones at the same time. Since this is not widely known by the public, Some individuals deliberately and others without knowledge keep defaming a genuine member of Congress for their own political gain.

      I watched Rick Santorum on Senate floor courageously debating and passing important legislation. Despite the MSM and negative ads and what some elites say, Rick Santorum is a humble, considerate and honorable man and father of 7 children and a faithful husband. As a person well trained in law (Jurist doctor); business (MBA); and politics (BA); and successful legislature, he understands and would keep our rights and freedom. As we are living in a constitutional republic, your suggestion that a president could create a theocracy is totally unbelievable.
      BHO & DNC would like to run against Romney. Nothing excites progressives’ base better than running against the rich whom they consider as “heartless” who may not “’understand” the plight” of the middle class and the poor. They currently attack Romney in order to create an illusion in the minds of voters that he is “attacked” because he is a “strong” candidate thereby driving away conservatives and people
      of faith & independents from Rick Santorum. They have studied about Romney more than any other candidates. It is very difficult for them to run against a candidate with less or no political, personal and professional baggage. Some assume that economic issue is the ‘only” issue upon which 2012 reelection would be decided. Should Romney be the republican nominee BHO & DNC will use not only economic issues but social issues (knowing his weaknesses in this area). National Security & Foreign Affairs would
      be another issue on which the 2012 election would be decided. The candidates who do not have a national security & foreign affairs experience is Romney & others. To be on the safest side, we better nominate a
      candidate who will credibly challenge BHO on all issues and make BHO & his failed policies an issue in the general campaign. That candidate is none other than Rick Santorum. I have checked the background of all the candidates. If you make a slightest effort to research and know about all the candidates in the race and objectively evaluate their experiences, I have no iota of doubt that you will arrive to the same conclusion.
      To All Patriot Americans:
      The media & the Establishment have chosen a “nominee” for us before even half of the country have voted usurping our rights. We should not let this happen.

      Whom should we vote for?

      For a candidate who is different from BHO and could credibly challenge him on Obamacare which was based on Romneycare; cap & trade; bailouts; TARP; the bogus man made climate change; national security and foreign policy.
      About $50 Million have been spent by Romney to distort his fellow republican candidates records. We should unanimously reject the politics of personal destruction so that our country will have honest,
      talented individuals to run for government offices in the future. I have looked at all of the candidates past records. The only candidate that is completely different from BHO is Rick Santorum, despite what the naysayers, the Establishment, lobbyists (over 390 of them contributed money to Romney’s campaign) and some media outlets may say. He can make BHO & his failed policies an issue of the general campaign. We cannot afford to have a candidate who will be an issue of the campaign because of his (Mitt or Newt) records & shiftiness.
      Republicans start getting more victories after 1968 due to social issues. The current trend is worrisome as republicans are trying to be like democrats. There should be a balance between social, economic and
      political issues. The one who just is trying to do all these with genuine Conservative credentials is Rick Santorum. I watched him fighting for Conservative values on the Senate floor more than anybody i know. He got a lot of legislative victories in welfare reform; DOMA; etc. and fought for health saving account; tort reform; etc. and has a national security and foreign affairs experience unlike Romney & others. Please read online the two Acts he wrote in 2004: The Iran Freedom & Support Act & the Syrian Accountability Act. Had anyone listened to him, the current Iranian problem would have been avoided. Those who have money have been distorting this honorable candidates name through negative ads. Those of you who might have been turned away because of negative ads and misinformation by the so called mass media which abdicated its responsibility of being a watch dog to be a lap dog, please give Rick Santorum a second look. The more you know about this authentic and genuine candidate and what he consistently stands for, the more you love and vote for him. He was a member of the Gang of 7 who exposed the scandals in Congress. If you want to nominate a fighter and a leader, who will bring a genuine change in Washington D.C. Santorum is your man. If you want to have a candidate who would maintain the status quo and could say anything to just get your votes (by even mimicking southern accent, etc.), he won’t be your man.
      I hope you all will use you votes wisely come March 13, 2012. Thanks and God bless!!!
      Repost by anyone is authorized .

  4. Because of negative ads, the public is being misled to believe that a private sector experience is “better” than government experience for the top government job. Does this make sense? The only CEO who became president was Hoover. As private sector experience is needed and better in a private sector, a federal government sector experience is needed and better to run a federal government. The irony we see now is very amazing. So many are misled to believe that a government sector experience is ‘bad” to run a government sector. Thanks to Romney and his super PACs, valuable and useful words like “Team” or “Compromise” has become a “dirty” word. Those who support Romney please ask him how the two major parties in the US Congress could come out of a gridlock without making a team effort within a party and then form a broad coalition with the other party to pass any bill? Romney is not truthful in his ads, comments. He does not even know an impact his tax plan could have on a deficit. His bravado and frequent attack on BHO in a republican primary to divert the public’s attention from his flawed past records is wrongly taken as a strength and ‘’sign” of elect-ability. Conservatives have started seeing what is going on behind the scene. Romney has not come clean on Romneycare, his money on Cayman Island and his erroneous claim that he grew Massachusetts economy and reduced unemployment rate to 4.7%, the reduction was attribute to hundreds of thousands of the people leaving the state.

    Critics hit Romney job-creation record
    Cite workers that left Massachusetts on Washington Times 02/27/12.
    On Romney’s job creation & unemployment rate reduction, please go to this website. The website states his claims are not true.
    please read the following comment originally posted in on
    sunnyday6 Feb-27 @ 5:53 PM
    Breaking News: Romney Lied During the Last Debate
    This is only an issue because Romney has made it an issue by being pro-choice in MA and then flip flopping by claiming to be pro-life now. According to fact checkers Mitt Romney lied during his last debate. His health care plan did require the Catholic church to pay for free abortions and he did not consult church leaders yet he complains about Obama’s health care plan for the same thing. What else will he lie about?
    https://bostoncatholicinside… He whines about federal spending yet he used 6 million of it to pay for rearranging the lawn chairs for the Olympics and his Confederate buddy Ron Paul spent 398 million a year. Now Paul is in trouble with a campaign donor for double dipping for travel expenses.
    Romney whines about No Child Left Behind yet he supported it in 2006. H…e is such a hypocrite.
    Romney whines about Arlen Specter but he voted for Paul Songas. What a hypocrite.
    Breaking News: Confederate Kook Ron Paul Working for Romney
    Ron Paul claims to like Ronald Reagan yet he has said “Ronald Reagan is a failure” and the “CIA deals drugs.” Not only are his racist newsletters everywhere but now it is out there that his mentors were Confederates who hated Abraham Lincoln for keeping the union together. Now Romney is connected to extremists. Profiting from the liquidation of businesses and rearranging the chairs at the Olympics does not qualify you to be president. He may pretend to be Mr. Main Street but we all know he is Mr Wall Street. Vote for Romney in any election? I don’t think so.
    Romney said it is impossible to know about the cost of his tax plan. Please go to this website for further details.

  5. 1. Ron Paul wants prostitution and harmful drugs to be legalized at a state level

    As a libertarian there is no question that he supports legalization of prostitution and harmful drugs at a state level. I do not think the majority of Americans would any way support Ron Paul’s position on this. Prostitution and harmful drugs shouldn’t be supported at the federal and state level. Many marriages, personal lives have been affected by both prostitution and harmful drugs. Before of addictions there are many who couldn’t live a normal life. In the name of liberty, RP and others should not encourage a legalization of anything that destroys our fellow human beings

    2. He is anti-Semitic

    Your own comments and the comments made by Ron Paul and his supporters are a clearly testimony that RP is anti-Semitic. USA does not have any other democratic ally who shares our values like Israel in the Middle East. It is widely believed that we are the top beneficiary of Israeli’s research & development; intelligence etc. It is estimated by some that about 70% of the aids marked for Israel is spent in USA. I think you have misinformation about Israel’s history. Israel has been fighting a defensive war for its very existence since its inception in 1948 and then in 1956, 1967, 1973, intifada since the year 2000. How do you expect Israel to deal with the Palestinian Authority, which still maintains the destruction of Israel in its Charter? And Hamas wants all of Israel and the destruction of Jews all over the world. They teach in their schools that Jews are the descendants of pigs & apes. Thousands of rockets are fired at irregular intervals to Israeli population areas at irregular intervals. It is reported that RP supported aids to Palestinians. It is ridiculous that you try to compare liberals’ erroneous thinking as to what is racist or not to Israelis situation – under which nobody could live a normal & peaceful life. RP’s foreign policy is dangerous for US interests. He wants to threat a “nuclear Iran under theMADD (Mutual Assured Destruction Deterrent) nuclear policy, which worked well with the former Soviet Union (USSR). He is naïve to think that Iran, which strongly desires to bring back the Twelfth imam (Mahdi or Messiah (savior)) back by creating worldwide chaos through martyrdom to form a world-wide –caliphate. How can you deter one who believes to get more rewards through death?

    3. And a 911 Truther

    Bin Laden and others would like to tell us things they believe could be accepted in the west with a hope to weaken us from within. Please read about the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood from which Alqaeda originated. They want to form a world-wide-caliphate by forcing others (infidels) to believe in Allah thereby establishing Sharia Law. Without understanding the Muslims militant ideology, it is very easy to blame the USA as RP and his supporters do. Do not forget that there could many secularists in CIA who may not know about fundamentalist Muslim’s ideology. Because of our tolerance of diversified views due to our Judeo-Christian values in our country, there are many who assume that others are like us. Nothing is further from the truth. I appreciate if RP disassociate himself from those who blame America first for all of the attacks made against us. Beside this, why hasn’t Ron Paul come clean about his racist newsletters from which he benefitted financially and for which he was the author. Do you think Romney’sconsistent on various issues than Santorum? If not why do RP and his supporters continuously attack Santorum and not Romney? RP run on a libertarian ticket in 1988. His supporters openly say “If Ron Paul is not nominated; we will write-in his name or most probably vote for Gary Johnson”. RP has not ruled out to run as a third party candidate. Doesn’t this show RP’s dishonesty in pretending to be a republican in order to get a legitimacy to run a movement which in any way does not want to show its loyalty to Republican Party? If he runs on a third party ticket,he could take more votes from the democrats. Isn’t he hypocritical when he accuses Santorum for earmarks when he himself is a prolific ear marker (which he admitted during the last night CNN debate?).

  6. • littlebytes Stay at home mom of two young sons, tweeting and blogging about parenting to politics and everything in between.
    #tcot #prolife WHY NewtGingrich is not a friend of the Constitution&is a globalist,opportunist&untrustworthy for POTUS
    He made a formal appeal to the House of Representatives in 1995 to “increase the power of President Clinton” by repealing the War Powers Act. He praised Clinton’s unconstitutional use of the U.S. military to inflict a communist regime on Haiti in 1994, the same year he voted for an extra $1.2 billion for United Nations “peacekeeping” missions. He also urged the President to expand U.S. military presence in Bosnia the following year.

    In 1994, Gingrich described himself as “a conservative futurist.” He said that those who were trying to define him should look no further than The Third Wave, a 1980 book written by Alvin Toffler. The book describes our society as entering a post-industrial phase in which abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, and divorce are perfectly normal, even virtuous.

    Gingrich’s liberal voting record is that he has been a member, since 1990, of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a group founded in 1921 as a think tank of influential politicians and policymakers dedicated to sacrificing national independence to create a global government. He showed his fidelity to internationalism in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in July of 1995 when he brazenly admitted his disdain for our founding document.

    “The American challenge in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution,” he said. “Under our [constitutional system] – either we’re going to have to rethink our Constitution, or we’re going to have to rethink our process of decision-making.” He (Gingrich) went on to profess an oxymoronic belief in “very strong but limited federal government,” and pledged, “I am for the United Nations.”

    These are just some of the reasons I do not trust him as POTUS,but also I can’t trust a man with our country who took an oath to God and his wives to remain loyal&faithful. I couldn’t ‘marry’ him to our country and wouldn’t marry someone with this kind of character flaw. I can forgive the sinner,but not the sin. Forgiveness also does not equate to voting for someone with such great character flaws and a globalist agenda, which endangers US sovereignty. Santorum supports defunding the UN,which would be a great step in the right direction for the US.

    Character Matters,Along W/Faith,Family&Freedom-Support Santorum in 2012 If Gingrich dropped out 58% of his supporters say they would move to Santorum, while 22% would go to Romney and 17% to Paul.
    … disloyalty or disunity&bickering and the media influence is why I believe Cain,Palin,Bachmann and Perry were thrown under the bus;conservatives& teaparty didn’t stand by the true conservatives from the beginning.

  7. In 2006 Rick Santorum was ranked ‘Most Corrupt’ on the list compiled by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Rasmussen Reports poll: Ron Paul is the best candidate to beat President Obama in a general election.

    Rick Santorum’s political record is laughable. Santorum: on record boasting about all the pork-barrel earmarks he’s voted for. Santorum voted to raise the debt ceiling eight times (I thought it was five, but it was actually even worse than that!)

    If you want to win, if you want to rescue the country from further economic decline, if you value the lives of the troops and want to spare them any further harm in unnecessary war for empire – bring them the hell home – vote Ron Paul!

    further reading:

  8. Santorum voted to raise the debt ceiling eight times (I thought it was five, but it was actually even worse than that!)

  9. In a famous campaign speech, John F. Kennedy assured the electorate he would not try to impose his Catholic views on the nation. Santorum says this makes him want to ‘throw up’.

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