Waihiawa Veterans Day Parade Should Not Be Canceled Because of APEC Conference

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BY BRENDA REICHEL – I am so mad right now with the majority of government officials in the state of Hawaii, the City and County of Honolulu and President Obama’s administration.

Everyone who has ever served in any military branch should be embarrassed beyond belief that the Wahiawa Veterans’ Day Parade has been canceled for November 11, 2011.

Every member of our local, state and national government that is supposed to represent us has failed to represent a group so in need of our continued support. I am ashamed of those in have had any part in canceling Veteran’s Day Observances and the Parade. You don’t get my vote.

Our Veterans should not be insulted by not recognizing their service and the lives that have been given up for our freedom and the freedom of others.

My father served twice in Viet Nam, and 20 years in the Army, my uncle served in the Navy, I too have an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army.

I am letting all my friends and everyone else I know how terrible that I feel about our service members having  been slapped in their face by the parade not being held. Wahiawa is not near the APEC in Waikiki.

Put the Parade back on. We have more right than any one to show our support for  our current military and veterans.

Brenda Reichel is a resident of Honolulu




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