Waikiki Local Conservative Looks to Put ‘Elephant in the Room’

Marcus Hester
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Marcus Hester

SUBMITTED BY MARCUS HESTER’S STATE HOUSE CAMPAIGN – Who is Marcus Hester? Marcus Hester is your “Conservative” candidate for the 2012 Hawaii House of Representatives – District #22 Election.  A family man, businessman and local pastor, Dr. Hester will bring to the table a conservative viewpoint to help get Hawaii back on track socially, economically and politically.

What does Marcus Hester stand for?

Hawaii is facing many issues today, however two that are closest to Dr. Hester’s heart are preserving and protecting our families and fighting hard to put money back into our citizens pockets by endorsing legislation that promotes economic growth.

Our Hawaiian and tourist families are the backbone of our state and are key to its future preservation and growth.  Under our current leadership, the Hawaii legislature has begun to move away from protecting and preserving its very foundation: the Ohana & Keiki or, the families that live in Hawaii and the families that visit Hawaii from around the World.  The rise of crime, homelessness, prostitution, drug use and strip clubs in the past few years are all examples of the how the current legislators are leading Hawaii in the wrong direction.  On our current path, we are on our way to destroying the Hawaii that we have ALL grown to love and be proud of.  This year, with Dr. Marcus Hester as the conservative candidate ready to lead Hawaii in the right direction, voters can go to the polls and declare, “No More ….”  as they cast their vote for Dr. Hester!

Another key issue Hawaii is facing is establishing and maintaining our economic recovery.  This process is important to and affects every Hawaiian. Under our current leadership, Hawaii has spent, “like drunken sailors,” according to incumbent Tom Brower during a local radio interview.  While developing the 2012-2013 fiscal budget, Hawaii had a deficit of $772 million and a state debt exceeding $26 billion.  It is clear from these budget shortcomings that the current leadership has misspent taxpayer’s money. With the budget gap continuing to grow, it is important now more than ever, that Hawaii votes for a candidate like Dr. Hester that will bring back the balance of power and ensure that taxpayer’s hard-earned monies are being accounted for.

Can Dr. Marcus Hester WIN in November 2012?

So let us talk about the elephant in the room- the Republican candidate that is ready to bring true change to a predominantly Democratic legislature.  Dr. Hester can bring about this change with your help.  With our current campaigning efforts, the Hester Campaign has identified well over the 4001 voters needed to win the District 22 election that are ready for change.  If you are ready to see fair, balanced and honest politics in the state of Hawaii, Dr. Hester is the candidate to vote for.  With your help spreading the word about Dr. Hester’s run for the 2012 election, we can put the elephant in the room!

If you’d like more information about Dr. Hester, or to schedule an interview with Dr. Hester, please visit our web site at www.marcushester.com or e-mail Dr. Hester at marcushester@aol.com.


