Waipahu High School, Hawaii Dream Service Center, Raise Money to Help Oahu’s Homeless

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Photo courtesy 808tunesin.blogspot.com

BY STACY HURST – Starting on December 2010 till May 6th 2011, Waipahu High School has been helping Hawaii Dream Service Center (HDSC) raise funds to purchase 204 acres in Waipahu/Kunia to help the homeless on Oahu.  On May 6th (Friday), 2011 from 1:00pm to 2:20 at Waipahu High School we will have a pizza party for the WHS students and present them trophies like the Trump Apprentice TV Show.

Today, Hawaii is  in a crisis with many problems – The Hawaiian Islands have approximately 26,000 to 28,000 homeless with 10,000 homeless people on the Island of Oahu.  Hawaii also has a population of 4,000 to 6,000 men and women that are incarcerated.

Due to the high costs and prison overcrowding, approximately 2,000 of Hawaii’s imprisoned men have been  moved to Arizona.  Also, there are nearly 8,000 to 10,000 men and women  that are on probation and approximately 4,000 kids whose parents are in  prison.  Studies show that 90% of these kids will end up in prison like their parents.  There are 300,000 to 500,000 youth and adults in Human Trafficking in Labor and Sexual Exportation in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.

Hawaii has 100 active gangs that have an overall total of 4,000 to  6,000 gang members (gang markings are in almost every community in Hawaii with graffiti and shoes hanging from telephone wires). Every month, one woman dies due to “Domestic Violence” and likewise, one  person is committing suicide.

Hawaii is rated 5th in the US for the drug use of Methamphetamine also simply known as Meth. Hawaii was once number 1 for Meth use. Many times the Meth ingredients are coming from China and India.  Youth in Hawaii are having “Fish Bowl Parties” when they take prescription drugs from home cabinets and dump all these drugs in a bowl of liquid juice and/or hard liquor. The Oahu 911 receives over 900,000 calls a year.

Homes in Hawaii are 5 times the national average and rent is the highest in the USA. Hawaii has over 6,500 public housing units and a waiting list of approximately 7,000 people.  There are approximately 10,000 people on section 8 housing and they pay 30% of their funds.  There is a 8 year back log for section 8 housing.  If the homeless are kicked out of the parks and beaches, where will they go?

We are writing this letter in hope that you can help us.  There are 150 Dream Centers around the world.  The reason why they call it a dream center is because people can accomplish their dreams to become a carpenter, electrician, chef, retail sales employee and etc.  HDSC offers 170 vocational training jobs.

We have partnered with over 80 organizations to develop a “one stop shop”  to address and help Governor Abercrombie reach some of his goals concerning the homeless and job creation spoken about from the Hawaii  State of the State Address just recently presented at the capitol.  We  humbly ask for the opportunity to come along side Governor Abercrombie  and be the work engine to
develop and enhance his ideas and goals for building a better Hawaii.

We will work in partner with 80 organizations to:

– Be able to incubate hundreds of start-up entrepreneurship companies and develop hundreds of jobs that never existed in Hawaii  before.

– HDSC will help over 5,000 people in need (homeless, elderly,  youth, veterans, gangs, or anyone that needs help.  If your house caught on fire and got nowhere to go, if you got kicked out at 101 years of  age, or if a baby was abandoned, HDSC would be the place to go).

– HDSC is going Green – LEED Platinum

– HDSC will be a Civil Defense Site in Region # 9 to house over 50,000 people through a Tsunami or a Katrina Type Storm.  HDSC will be a Disaster Relief Site.  HDSC is 700 ft above sea level.

Stacy Hurst is with the HAWAII DREAM SERVICE CENTER (HDSC) See more at hawaiidreamservicecenter.org




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