Washington Post: Daniel Inouye, Undisputed King of Hawaii

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BY JASON HOROWITZ – HONOLULU — On the morning of Sept. 2, the 65th anniversary of Imperial Japan’s surrender to the United States aboard the USS Missouri, generals and politicians snapped to attention as the war hero who became the king of Hawaii boarded the battleship’s deck.
“Hello,” Sen. Daniel Inouye said in a voice so soft-spoken that the luminaries had to surround him to hear.


The right sleeve of his boxy tan suit hung limply, a reminder that he lost his arm while heroically disabling enemy machine guns in World War II. A wooden cane dangled from a rope on his left wrist, and a lei of kukui nuts hung around his neck. He led a procession to the stage and took the center seat as the guest of honor.

“I was honored to play a small part in bringing the Mighty Mo to Hawaii,” Inouye said on the podium.

See the full report: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2010/10/04/GA2010100403511.html?hpid=moreheadlines

