What does the future of your career look like?

Waikiki Community center presents


road-sign-798176_1920Carleen Mackey will be at the Waikiki Community Center to share her knowledge on the new future of work. 

As an Emergent Workforce / Alternative Career Planning expert, Carleen’s writing and speaking is focused on helping people improve their competitive value in this fast changing, technologically advancing global economy. She is especially versed in multi-generational emergent workers looking at alternative career options as contrasted with “traditional” jobs.

“Knowledge is based on the practical premise that “work” – in all its iterations – is to the 21st Century what “jobs” were to the 20th. Learning to manage a business or a career – wherever people may live – requires new strategies and actions if people, of all ages and at all stages of their careers, are to reach, regain or retain financial independence.” — Carleen MacKay, National Keynote Speaker and Author

CarleenMackayheadshotCarleen believes all generations must learn your greatest investment is in YOU! She says, “Your career is your business. Develop strategies to sustain your work/lives”


  • How the workplace has changed & what trends support that change
  • Strategies to “take charge” of your work life and create new opportunities
  • About your options to “traditional jobs”

See Carleen Mackay on “Think Tech Hawaii” (March 2017)

To register for this event:
Visit our Eventbrite link or call 808-923-1802

Tuesday, April 18th from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

This event is FREE and open to the public. Don’t miss out – and don’t get left behind!

Hope to see you at the Waikiki Community Center

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