Working Toward a Fair Contract for Hawaii’s Teachers

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Graphic: Emily Metcalf

By Wil Okabe – The Hawaii State Teachers Association will be meeting with the State and resuming negotiations on January, 17 at HSTA.

HSTA is focused on what is most important to student and teachers of Hawaii. At this moment in time, that is working towards a fair contract.

HSTA recognizes and applauds the teachers who have worked hard in producing a piece of legislation with the intent of assisting teachers in our struggle.

HSTA strives to be representative of all voices heard and follow a strict protocol to ensure we are working as a collective body.

HSTA encourage the teachers who produced this legislative bill to present to the HSTA Government Relations Committee and Board for a thorough review and approval. At this time, HSTA has not seen the bill in its entirety, therefore HSTA is not in a position to support these efforts.

Teachers are free to voice their opinion and exercise their right of a democratic process.

On January 17, HSTA and the negotiations team will be focused on our most important goal for Hawaii’s teachers and students – a contract that reflects fairness and equity.


Wil Okabe is President of the Hawaii State Teachers Association

