Hawaii Reporter Celebrates 9th Anniversary on October 15 – Come and Join Us

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This year will be Hawaii Reporter’s 9th year of revealing Hawaii’s breaking and investigative news stories. With the merger of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser, it is now more important than ever to ensure that Hawaii continues to have in depth and investigative media outlets.

This year’s dinner and fundraiser will feature keynote speaker, Jason Stverak of Watchdog.org and the Franklin Center, who will speak about how many states across the country have come together to report the real news.

Mr. Stverak will be a big draw for this year’s dinner; however, we could use your support in making this fundraiser a success. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 because we have a $10,000 matching grant should we succeed.

We have many exciting projects planned for 2011.

Investigative Reporter Jim Dooley, formerly of The Honolulu Advertiser and KITV News, has joined Hawaii Reporter.

Greg Wiles, formerly of The Honolulu Advertiser, has already been writing for us.

In addition, we have a television pilot project with Matt Levi, formerly of KGMB TV 9 and the Levi Files, which will expand Hawaii Reporter’s investigative news coverage.

In 2011, we will become a multimedia company and the place for even more important and meaningful investigative news in Hawaii.

We hope that you can assist us in meeting our goal by joining us on October 15th and/or through sponsorship.

Reserve a table or your seat today.

EVENT DETAILS! We will have a (silent and/or live) auction and a secret raffle where guests are given clues about 3 secret items, which we will be raffling for $10 a ticket. You may assist us in meeting our goal through sponsorship of the event, table sponsorships, or donation of auction items. Our goal is to have at least 20 items for the auction and 3 items for the raffle. Please see below for sponsorship information.

Event Sponsorship

$10,000…………………………….Platinum Special recognition on the program, advertisement, 15 raffle tickets

$5,000………………………………………Gold Special recognition on the program and 10 free raffle tickets

$2,500……………………………………….Silver Special recognition on the program and 5 raffle tickets Table Sponsorship

$1,100……………………………Table of 12

$900……………………………..Table of 10

$700……………………………..Table of 8

Can’t come but want to support Hawaii Reporter? You can donate online through our Paypal or mail a check to Hawaii Reporter, P.O. Box 11664, Honolulu, HI 96828.

Contact Linda O’Grady to reserve your seat or for sponsorship information.


CONTACT US info@hawaiireporter.com P.O. Box 11664 Honolulu, HI 96828 Phone: (808) 524-4500 Fax: (808) 524-4594 Send letters and editorials: Malia@HawaiiReporter.com

