National Survivors of Suicide Day Highlighted by Hawaii Conference and Community Walk

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HONOLULU – This year, National Survivors of Suicide Day is on Saturday, November 20, 2010.  This day of healing for those who have lost someone to suicide is always held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  It was created by U.S. Senate resolution in 1999 through the efforts of Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who lost his father to suicide. Every year, the national American Foundation for Suicide Prevention sponsors an event to provide an opportunity for the survivor community to come together for support, healing, information and empowerment.

To mark this day, a conference is planned in Hawaii that will provide an opportunity for those who have lost a loved one to suicide or are advocates for suicide prevention to come together to commemorate National Survivors of Suicide Day.

The Prevent Suicide: Survivors, Providers, and Community, “Partners in Action” Hawai’i Conference 2010 will be held November 20, 2010, on Oahu at Kapi’olani Community College, Ohia Cafeteria from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  This conference will consist of several plenary sessions addressing issues related to suicide prevention and the loss of a loved one, as well as break-out sessions presented by local practitioners, service providers, and others knowledgeable in the area of suicide prevention.

The conference is sponsored by the Department of Health’s Injury Prevention and Control Section, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division; Hawaii S.P.E.A.R.; and Prevent Suicide Hawaii Steering Committee and Task Force; along with Queen Lili’uokalani Children’s Center/Ohana Keola Maikai Project as partners.

Those encouraged to attend the Conference are: survivors of suicide, health care providers, school personnel, professional caregivers, college students and anyone in the community interested in learning about suicide prevention.

Another event in Hawaii that highlights National Survivors of Suicide Day is the the “2nd Annual Prevent Suicide Community Walk” to be held on Friday, November 19th at 5:00pm at Kapiolani Park, across from the Elks Club.

Brochures and Registration Forms for both the Conference and the Walk are available from Nancy Kern at the Injury Prevention and Control Section of the Hawaii State Department of Health at: (808) 733-9238 or
For more information, on National Suicide Prevention Week, contact Nancy Kern.

Nancy Kern is with the DOH

