BY DON ROCHON – PEARL HARBOR – Using an existing design-build, multiple award construction contract (MACC), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Pacific awarded an $86 million firm-fixed price task order today to Guam MACC Builders A Joint Venture of Honolulu for wharf improvements at Apra Harbor, Naval Base Guam.
These essential wharf and utilities improvements will provide enhanced berthing capacities to facilitate efficient loading/unloading of transient ships that directly support the Marine Corps forces relocating from Okinawa, Japan to Guam.
“Some of the wharves date from 1945, when the Naval Operating Base was first built to support the fleet,” said Capt. Richard Wood, commanding officer, Naval Base Guam. “While the wharves have had minor improvements over the years to keep them serviceable, many are in need of complete renovation to meet the needs of 21st century ships and their operations.”
These ships include those associated with an Amphibious Readiness Group and their combatant escort ships. In order to berth the ships in Apra Harbor, necessary improvements will be undertaken to strengthen Uniform and Tango wharves to resist seismic and typhoon forces, and restore the structural system, sheet pilings, and wharf faces to a useable condition.
The specific work under the contract will include construction of concrete trenches for utilities, partial replacement of the bilge oily waste transfer system, removal of the deteriorated water distribution system, installation of new ship connection risers and fire hydrants, installation of new low-pressure compressed air system and risers, installation of a new demineralized water system, new secondary power distribution systems, a new cable hut for the distribution of the communication system, and new foam-filled fenders for ship berthing at Uniform and Tango wharves.
“These initial contract awards are evidence of the Navy’s plan to slowly ramp up the construction associated with the relocation of Marine Corps forces. It involves projects in Apra Harbor, which have limited impact on the community and on Guam’s infrastructure,” said retired Maj. Gen. David Bice, executive director, Joint Guam Program Office.
Actual construction activity supporting this project is not expected to begin for several months, which will provide time for the contractor to mobilize and complete design work. A Civil-Military Coordination Council, comprised of military, government of Guam and federal agency representatives, will be established to implement adaptive program management, which involves adjusting the pace and sequencing of military relocation activity, so as to not cause significant environmental impacts nor exceed Guam’s existing infrastructure capacity.
“In accordance with our commitment to adaptive program management and to remaining within Guam’s infrastructure capacity, these projects can begin without exceeding the capacity of Guam’s port, utilities, and other critical systems. More importantly, they will be done with the existing on-island labor pool,” Bice added.
Guam MACC Builders A Joint Venture consists of Watts Constructors, Obayashi Corp., Healy Tibbitts and Webcor Builders.
The work identified under this task order is expected to be completed by August 2013. Seven proposals were received for this task order, and the actual contract award amount is $85,999,000.00.
Don Rochon submitted this report. Reach him at