Physician Assisted Suicide Bill Hearing Set for Monday

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BY ALLEN CARDINES JR. The proposed Physician Assisted Suicide Bill (SB 803) is scheduled for hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, February 7, 2011 at 2:45 p.m. at the State Capitol – Auditorium (bottom level of the capitol).

The physician-assisted suicide bill (SB 803 entitled Death with Dignity) has been scheduled by the Senate Health Committee.


This bill, if passed, would allow a terminally ill, competent adult to receive medication to end life; it Prohibits mercy killings, lethal injections, and active euthanasia. This bill also allows an alternate doctor to replace the attending doctor if latter declines to prescribe.

We are asking you to do several things:

Submit testimony in opposition to this bill to the Senate Health Committee at

Show up at the hearing on Monday at 2:45 (in the auditorium of the State Capitol).  It is anticipated that there will be many people attending this hearing and several people from the disability community.  Please be respectful and allow the outside seating for those in wheelchairs.  If you want to come early to ensure a seat, please do so.  Bring your friends and family with you!

Call each of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee (below) and ask them to OPPOSE SB 803.

Ask at least 2-3 other people to do these things as well.


Senator Josh Green, Chair  |  Phone:  (808) 586-9385
Senator Clarence Nishihara  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6970
Senator Rosalyn Baker  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6070
Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6130
Senator Maile Shimabukuro  | Phone:  (808) 586-7793
Senator Glenn Wakai  |  Phone:  (808)  586-8585
Senator Sam Slom  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8420

We truly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to weigh in on this very important issue.

Allen Cardines, Jr. is the Executive Director of the Hawaii Family Forum.





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